Quamar, Smolderbone, Routalanka
Real name:
29 [21.05.1989]
Go around the world and see and experience as much as I can.
Meet awesome people and force them into a beautiful friendship with myself.
Getting better at various of things and somehow finding a way to prosperity.
Shy, adventurous, creative, deep, gross, worrywart, laid-back, easily excited, stubborn, childish, playful, lazy, obsessive, awkward, ambitious, proud, curious/nosey, caring, sensitive,
Skype: Routalanka
email: tinzuli89(at)
(Don't mind this horrible old email address)
Good luck at your new school,
Yay! So happy to hear you're
Is asking for a balloon that hard? -lil confused there-
Does that mean we'll get to see a doodle dump soon?
So glad you're kinda sorta back, Quammy
[e] ....Double..Post? And Page! -brick'd-
Doodle dump from hell,
More screenshots dump, YES!
Oh yesh, do post some stuff
+Hello again/welcome back sort-of!
You know that I'm supporting
awgh how come here are so
Thanks, Dec... I'm glad there are even some noticing...
Hmm. You have my support in
Hope it all works out for the better.. ♥
I've noticed it too. I've
You and Narina contacted them before, right? Nothing was resolved? If they didn't bother resolving it (and I'm assuming they didn't)..I'm really disappointed then.
^ If I'm assuming right, one
Ergh, I feel dumb for posting
Hope it gets resolved.
I did contact them privately
I don't know what else could we do, or what should be done to resolve this. I've just been feeling so bad over this for a good while.
I just kind of needed to point this out, I'm not fine with this and I haven't manage to accept this. I understand there will always be similiar characters, of course there will. But too much is too much..
I'm trying to think about
But, it's then wrong to let it go and let it continue. And, they may just deny it again when confronted again. :/
I'd really appreciate if we
And... everybody knows how this will end up. The points will always go to you, no matter how the truth would be told. Of course, why should I be believed when I've been here a lot less than you two. This is not trying to be anything bad to say, I just speak of realistic things. Still, I think this was never a thing to make a huge flamewar of. I apologize again what we've said, but I ask for everyone to look it as a defensive act. The wrong way of doing it, but still one. I also heard from my partner about the notes that were sent. I've never read those, 'cause I couldn't. And now I've heard about them, and not releasing anything too private, there are things that said this thing is finished. And again, I've been wanting to send a message, but as this has hurt me just as much as it hurts you, I've been incapable to do so. This is in the same level for me too. I do not care if this has just made everyone to hate me and my partner and avoid our characters forever, We protect and will protect what is ours, what is us. It feels like our whole excistence is being killed when it is said to be someone else, characters.
This was everything I can say public I think. If there is a negative feeling in my words, it wasn't meant to be that way. I understand how it hurts you, but when it's SO misunderstood like this, it hurts me the same. Now, I hope we could try gain peace between us privately, and not making this anymore a hate-this-guy thing. I just got back to the community and now I already see my new friends hate me, and being fed the wrong ideas. Please and thank you.
^ I don't hate you, Sessy.
I don't hate you, Sessy. I'm actually quite fond of you. I know, I may had just met you and your character but from what I see you're a very sweet and creative person and I admire your art style.
I may be the devils advocate here but well, I have to say on Sessy's side, that we all cannot be 100% original on anything with art. There were always be characters, places, or things that may be similar in any part of the spectrum that will look like or seem like another's. While it's not cool to have a blatant copy, sometimes these things do happen by accident. It's no one's fault, it just happened. I actually have a mated couple of two male skulled deer that me and my brother play. While they're quite different from other male skulldeer matings, the concept is similar. Especially since they started from friends to lovers. Masochism and a huge size difference may not be present but friends to lovers is.
So Sessy, you're not alone. You have friends and no one's idea is 100% original or when it looks like something already done, it may not be attended to be a copy
Keskustellaanko iha suomeksi
Kerrotko miten liittyy Nidhemin ulkonäkö teidän suhteeseen? Ja yleinen ulkonäkö ja hänen persoonansa, vittu perskarvoja myöten Ripa. Ethän oikeasti usko, että ihmiset täälä ruudun takana uskoo, että vietätte sadomasokistista suhdettanne sielä, ja jos oikeasti vietätte.. niin huhhuh.
Se, että teidän hahmonne ovat 80% samallaisia kuin meidän, ei ole millään lailla yhteydessä siihen miten kauan miä ja Quammy ollaan yhteisössä oltu. Oikeasti, hienostelematta, mahassa myllää oksettavasti ihan vaan se kun aukasee su hahmos bion ja lukee kertaalleen läpi ja tulee siihen tulokseen että Ripahan se sielä. Hahmo johon on käytetty kolme vuotta aikaa kehittää. Mulla ei ole mitään positiivista sanottavaa, annathan anteeksi kun näin raadollisesti puhun? Mä voin luvata, että meillä ei ole aikomustakaan jättää asiaa homehtumaan nurkkaan. Ei ainakaan mulla.
Ja en usko että sulla on loogista oikeutta kitistä siitä, että tätä setvitään nyt täällä, jos kerran itse et vaivautunut ottamaan minkäänlaista yhteyttä kun siihen privaatisti mahdollisuus annettiin.
Making it public.. not to be
And honest, I was waiting to hear something back from you too but since I didn't, kind of was left with the impression you just didn't want to resolve it but just left it to your girlfriend's hands.
Njaa, ja nyt ilmeesest vaihtu suomenkieleen niin mennään suomella sitten, vähempi terävällä kielenkäytöllä omalta osaltani. On vaan jäänyt kaihertamaan että eikö teitä itteänne vituta yhtään että jossain myllää kaksi melkiistää täysin ihan samanlaista hahmoa kuin mitä teidän on? Sain notenkin siitä eräältä ihmiseltä joka sen tuli minulle näyttämään ja sanomaan että ovat ihan kuin eriväriset Cut ja Rip. Eikä se lopulta jäänyt ainoaksi ihmiseksi mikä jokseenkin vakuutti ettei me vaan olla ihan paranoideja. Ja luulisi että se kertoo jotain jos ihmiset tääläkin on huomannut.
Tuntuu vaan ihan helevatun pahalta nähdä kun yhtäkkiä joku CutRip kakkonen juoksee ympäriinsä ja niittää mainetta, ja hetken me sitä nieleksittiin mut tiiättekö et ei vaan pysy enään alhaalla. Sori.
No, kirjotin tähän jo äsken
Mua ei todellakaan ketuta että siellä menee samantyyppisiä hahmoja kuin meidän, ne on TEIDÄN hahmoja. Meillä on OMAT. Ja meidän hahmot todellakin on luotu meidän itsemme pohjalta, ne ei ole mitään paskoja kopioita muiden hahmoista. Multakin on kaks hahmoa kopioitu, tiedän miltä se tuntuu, mutta perskules nyt kun nämä ei ole kopioita. ._. Mun hahmokin on luotu ennenko tiesin teistä tai teidän hahmoista.
Minä sanoin notessa että olen pahoillani journalista ja poistin sen. Vastaukseksi tuli muunmuassa "Tässä nyt on kumminkin sanottu kaikki mitä on ihmisillä sanottavana". No, ei näköjään ollu sitte.
Sanon vielä kerran, että meidän hahmot ei oo mitään kopioita teidän hahmoista, koittakaa jo tajuta se. Nidillä ja Riptaililla on ihan eri taustat, Cutlassin taustoista en tiedä, ja Möröllä ei sellasia olekaan.
Kiitos vaan tästä, ja siitä että teette Sessyn lempipaikasta sotatantereen. ._. Kiva vielä puolustaa itteään tollasia peurapiirtäjäjumalia vastaan joita suurin osa ihannoi ja asettuu saman tien teidän puolelle ja lisää paskaa meidän niskaan. Ymmärrättekö yhtään miltä tuntuu saada tollasta päin naamaa, vaikka ei ole mitään väärää tehnyt. Kukaan ei ota selvää, haukkuu vaan meitä nuoleskellakseen sanoisinko mitä. ._. Mun mielestä tää on törkeetä, eikä kunnioitus teitä kohtaan tämän myötä ainakaan nouse.
My two cents: Must be nice
see more Gifs
see more Gifs
I don't want a huge fray but
The rest of you, leave these guys alone. They don't mean harm and their characters only happened to become who they had become by accident.
Hi... I like the blog layout here, simple but very pretty.
Oooh your're making a tattoo for someone?! ;0 Do be sure to show us how that turns out, I bet it will look amazing. ;n;
Hahaha, I dare to differ in
and yup I am! But the design isn't completely mine, my friend had a base for it and shoved it to my hands so I could just refine it and work the idea further. (:
Anyway, how are you?
lol, some people really give
Me? I'm good thanks! Ha.. Kind of wanting a kitten myself right now, don't see it happening though. We already have a cat and she doesn't seem to get along well with other cats... There's a ginger cat on our street who bullies her all the time |D And he was attacking her on our drive the other day, but then my dad went outside and the ginger cat ran off, and our cat ran after it and ripped fur out of its back LOL >_> I doubt she will ever live that down pfft.
Although my sister came round earlier, brought me a gift: One of those awesome cuddly animals you can heat up in the microwave. And of course it is a cat, sat on my lap right now! 8'D *snuggles it*
How have you been? Asides from the happenings in your journal? XD
You're more than welcome to
wat you know you can always
you know you can always hang by kaoori, although admiteddly i haven't been around that much in game. ;_;
I like friends and rp. ;u;
We still need to grow some
Feel free to approach and/or
By Leuvr ♥
I won't poke you for a RP or
Welcome Back! : D
YAY 8D ♥
By Leuvr ♥
Starling - Thank you.. ;;
Keepiru - Keee! COME HERE. >8(
MoonlitStar - Hohoh, why hello. Visit here often. B)
Apparanza - B| <3
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Yeees, welcome back. Muahahh,
Yeees, welcome back. Muahahh, happy having you here!
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So nice to see you around
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these gifs and pictures i
i can't
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