Anti Aliasing in TEF
July 22, 2016 - 11:50pm — Evern
For NVIDIA Cards
NVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D settings > select The Endless Forest from from the list (it should be detected automatically, if it's not use the browse function- 'add') > Adjust to your will
Intel Users
AMD Users (see last few posts), Manual for AMD (see page ten)
If you have a different type of card, google it.
For non-brand cards it may be more difficult, and maybe even impossible, though.
How to know what graphics card you have
Win 7
Go to the start menu and type 'dxdiag'. A program with a blue circle and an X should appear
Win XP
Start menu > Run > type dxdiag and click OK
These are my settings for guidance! If you have a good CPU, feel free to notch them up even more.
Also, using pre-rendered frames to the max seems to
boost my FPS without problems.

Super neat. Testing it now,
Thank you for sharing this.
ohhh I'll have to try this
my graphics card isn't Nvidia but I can see if I can figure it out
Jala, looks nice right? I'm
Amary, I updated the blog with some other options, maybe you can have a look and see if it helps?
I found it. And it does
ooh need to remind myself to
Am, what graphics card did
Np, geist!
AMD Radeon, the link you
Looks good! Mind if I link
It doesn't show up on my
On your program list? If it
tracking for when i get my
Track for sure. Thanks for
Saving for later.
If anyone takes any
yeah go ahead
unfortunately doing this
That's strange.. my CPU is
Well I'll try adjusting the
Using your settings i got a
But thank you for the tip
Going to give this a try next
Changed the settings and it's
I gave it a go on my 660 and
Fly, no worries! Did changing
Am, I think that could be the forest.
Everyone else, hope it helped!
bless you alex.
(No subject)
hmm i think ill try this out
Interesting, thanks for the
Nice!! Thanks for this info
Evern, thank you.
Np everyone! e: Quick bump
e: Quick bump incase this could help some more people
I finally have a computer
Aiv - great to hear! Quick
Quick bump
Bump, this should still be