.: Animated Icon Batches :.

Rakisha's picture
Okay.. I've been thinking about taking requests on animated icon batches^^
They will be like my avatar pic Smiling
Apart from avatar pictures I can do banners to^^ And if there's something else you want just feel free to ask Laughing out loud

When you request please send me pictures of your deer(s) that you want in the animation or just tell me if there are other motives you want in the animation.
Also send me your pictogram(s)that you want in the animation this will make it a lot easier for me and you all can get you animations must faster.

• Avani
• Rishawyn
• Flyra

Here you go Moonsorrow^^

For Dindra ^^

For Sunfyra^^ All 4 pictures
Fenqua's picture

Can you do one for me? <3

Can you do one for me? <3

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Kinsmate's picture

I wouldn't mind one if your

I wouldn't mind one if your ok with me requesting one. I have some more wolf pics like my Avvie that would look kinda cool.
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
1273's picture

ooh1id love one!! you can

ooh1id love one!!
you can get your own at Oshilene!!!
Rakisha's picture

Sure^I will see what I can

Sure^I will see what I can do for u all Smiling
Kinsmate's picture

Thankies a

Thankies a bunch.
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
Rakisha's picture

It would be a lot easier for

It would be a lot easier for me, Avani and Rishawyn if you maybe could send some pictures of your deer(s) that you want in the animation.. but only if it's what you want of course xD other wise just tell me what you want for pictures thx Laughing out loud ^^
It would be good if you all could send me your pictos that you want in the animation ^^
Flyra's picture

Those are awesome! I would

Those are awesome! I would like to request one as well if you won't be to busy with the ones you already got. ;D I will search for good pictures you could include, kay? Because I always can't decide what picture to take as an avatar, so a gif-pic like that would be awesome. n.n Are there any limits for the picture or is the number no matter?

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Kinsmate's picture

Ok, I can paste The pics

Ok, I can paste The pics here, now I just need to find the ones I really love. I'll edit this once I get them.
EDIT: I found some of my favs, hope they work.

Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
Rakisha's picture

Flyra: I think 5-6 pictures

Flyra: I think 5-6 pictures is the maximum limit cous otherwise the animationgets to heavy ^^ It works with more pictures but then the quality of the pictures wont be very good...

Moonsorrow: Okay your animation will be posted soon ^^ You don't want any more pictures?
Kinsmate's picture

Yayz! *nuzzle* Thanks so

Yayz! *nuzzle* Thanks so much, and no I'm good with just those three.

EDIT: *runs off with it.*
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
dindra's picture

can you do one 4 me??? plz

can you do one 4 me??? plz !! i wulde love to get one!
Sunflyra's picture

WoW! i...i would loooove to

Shocked WoW! i...i would loooove to have such a request! wow..cool!
maybe...maybe with this 4...or you can leave the last one, no matter!^-^

~Sunfyra's Biography~
Rakisha's picture

Okay Sunfyra ^^ I think it

Okay Sunfyra ^^ I think it will work with all the pictures but you need to wait some time.. I can't do any animation thing until wednesday i'm so sorry!

And Dindra of course I can do one for you too but as sunfyra and everybody else you need to wait ^^
Sunflyra's picture

awwww no problem,rakisha

awwww no problem,rakisha Cool i'm glad you took mine!^.^ well...but flyra won't be here for two weeks...<33

~Sunfyra's Biography~

Aww! Can you do one for

Aww! Can you do one for me!?? Laughing out loud


Click here for your Dragon! : http://www.dragonadopters.com/

Rakisha's picture

Sure ^^ Do you have any

Sure ^^ Do you have any pictures you want to include? If not, just tell me what you want to have on your pictures and I'll fix it xD
Sunflyra's picture


D'awwwww THANK YOUUUUU <3 -nuzzles-
but..eh...it...it didn't work... ,__, maybe it is too big (pixel)?

~Sunfyra's Biography~
Rakisha's picture

Oh, sorry ^^' I think it

Oh, sorry ^^'
I think it work now Smiling
Sunflyra's picture


*dance* OMG THAAANK YOUUUU it work! yeah! XDD aww thaaank you again <3

~Sunfyra's Biography~
dindra's picture

ohhh! thank you

thank you Rakisha!
it's beautiful!