I must confess that this is the first ever attempt to do a bio!
(I also hope to have written in an understandable English!)
__Name: Angelus
___Gender: Female
_______Age: Young Adult
__________Size: #13
____________Set: Argus pelt and Long antlers
______________(mask is not definitive, I'm still looking for one)
______Personality: Proud, stubborn, easily irritated, but also loyal and sincere.
_________________________________________In depth is sweet, caring and protective.
Like a mother for Angelus. Angelus was initially wary, hiding behind Silas. After a few moments, however, she discovered the goodness of Rukbat, and since then has shared with her many funny moments! Sometimes it happened that Rukbat scold when Angelus walked away without notice or into troubles. Thanks to her Angelus' childhood was safe and exciting! And now she have a really extraordinary friend!!
Good friend, the second deer who Angelus met in the forest. She was careful at the new little fawn and taught hem to move into the forest. Thanks to Silas, Angelus knew Rukbat.
Angelus' adoptive brother. They met for the first time to the pond. Tammy was immediately tender and friendly and offered to Angelus friendship she needed. Since then, are inseparable, they defend each other and play together.
A really good deer! Unfortunately Angelus met her only once, but had a great time. Tsuki is very protective and has been defended by some unfriendly deer Angelus and Tammy!

For now Angelus doesn't hate anyone (Although she met some unfriendly deer), but she's suspicious and aloof towards strangers.
May 2, 2013:
Angelus grew up.
April 8, 2013:
Angelus and Tammy met Tsuki. Tsuki and another friend deer fighted with Schism and Daenerys for protect fawns.
April 4, 2013:
Angelus met Silas and Rukbat for the first time, she had more fun with they!
April 1, 2013:
For the first time loggen in the forest.
She seems like a very nice
Thank FishBiscuit! I had
Hope to see you in the forest!
I love your Bio .....And your
This is a wonderful bio
I must draw this girl <3 I can't believe she's all grown up now!
when i came to this bio my
and also tracking this bio!
Yay! I am not done with
When you decide on a mask, I will help you find it if you want!
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Flyleaf: really thank! I'm
Cradlecap: a-are you... WAS you Silas? Can I however hope to see you in the forest?
RedRaptor96: yay! I played with the mouse cursor!! The deer is a bit obvious, but definitely cute!! <3
Aquilo: I'VE READ YOUR -experimental- BIO!! Is really beautiful! I also tried to do something like that, but it always moved wrong the margins ... so I resigned myself to one thing a lot easier! I also had doubts about the name of your deer, I was afraid of making mistakes!! (For some reason I thought you had a stag! Suppose for the antlers... Real deer antlers and basic antlers make me think of a male.)
Anyway... Thanks you all!!
Forgive me ....i had to log
Wish i had seen your doe before ...Damn !!
See you next time ......
Haha, I understand! At first,
Discord: Gulonine#4267
No matter Flyleaf, happy to
Aquilo, i don't know why but i always thinked that Rukbat was male xD for antlers I think...and thanks for compliments for the Bio!
Me and my brotherTammy had a good time today!! (lol the Hula dancing!! x°°D )
Haha, today was fun! The
Discord: Gulonine#4267
we always be there for you!