I absolutely had to do this paint!!
Tammy is Seuta_Splendes's fawn, and Angelus is mine!
This pic is for you Seuta!!
As a thank you for join TEF! I'm really happy to have found something you like!! I hope you continue to play!
And as a tribute to the great friendship that unites me and you, but also the friendship that unites many other deers who play the Endless Forest!
I really like this xD It has
That is adorable ♥
Sig: Aihnna
Aww this is so cute! I love
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Yeah! I drew this expression
Today she tried to play, and she found that she likes TEF! For this i'm happy!!
Yes, youg's energy! They never stop to hop everywhere, jump around the adults, search others fawns for play and try to play with adults!! They're explosive power....until the evening, when collapsing exhausted from a day of games! ;3
Supercute .....Those
What a Beautiful drawing .
aaawwww!! *O* Thank you so
Thank you so much Sister!! This draw is wonderful!! Really, really cute!
And I give you thank for introducing me to this game! ^^
Uhm...it's a game with a virtual life (then isn't my favourite kind of game), but I find it funny!! I don't know why! XD
Maybe... because deer are so cute!! *-*
I love deer!!! <3 (o.o")
Fly and Salmunt enjoyed our
@Seuta: ooh, nothing my dear!
@Flyleaf: Me too! so funny! and also so quiet! I never rested so long! :3
Hope see you again
@Flyleaf: oh, also for me
I'll see you soon in the Forest!
Lol ..yes ...Fawns normally
with all that running lol
See you two guys
Tsuki played with you both in
We had a lot of fun with you
<3 Hope to meet you again! (I would to make a drawing of yesterday! as soon as possible!)
I thought we looked like a
Oh...it was a real pleasure
Sure the best game since I am part of The Endless Forest!
Thank you very much to all!
I hope for a next time with you!
oh my god so cute! the other
thank u
ur welcome ^.^