Another little tribute for my friend Aquilo (with which i always have fun in the forest!)
I know is not a very nice draw, but I did it very quickly!
(I know, now Angelus have not yet this pelt, but i'm adult only from two days, i have not found it yet!)
I enclose also some sketches I do when I leave Angelus rest in the Forest.
1. Is the first try i did about draw deer with human face.
2. Another little try of Angelus ad a young fawn.
3. Aquilo was resting, but Angelus was young and full of energy then she just kept hopping around. For this reason I imagined this scene! An adult who tries to relax while a feisty fawn bothering him with his games and shouting.
4. Just made yesterday night, when Angelus rested with Aquilo after long runs, numerous jumps and funny ballets!
These are gorgeous ... I
I really like your tribute ...what a good idea with those masks ..
And i see little hearts on the stones ??
Whow! I had not seen the
Omg the way you did the argus
These are really lovely.
Thanks Ourania! I thought of
J!n, thank you too!
I really enjoy looking at
Arigato! I have in my mind
These are awesome. XD
Thanks ^.^
Adorable <3
WOW! These are beautiful! I
I haven't seen you the past few days. I try to get on when you are on, but sometimes I am busy
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Thanks you two! Aquilo I
Aquilo I hope to see your drawings soon!! And I know what you mean..I looked for you too! But dont worry for the busy time!
I try to get on too when you're on! (Usually my 01.00/02.00 a.m) the timezone is so bad!!
Can i ask you one thing? At what time tells you that I wrote this post? (I'm writing this at my 02.22p.m, and I see your post was wrote at 02.44 p.m of yesterday!)
Yay, how i said now from me are 02.22 p.m and probably tonight i'll be on! With Tammy also!! (We have to change her set because now she's adult!! :3 )
Hope to see you!!
You too Cradlecap!!!
Bye and kisses!!
Your post was made at 6:07
School will be done in two weeks, then I can get on early during the summer. I will have much more free time!
Bye and kisses! (xD)
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Oh my godness!! We have 8
Bye!! Oh..and good end of school!! C: