1: All adoptables are FREE, you do not need to give me money to adopt!
2: To adopt, you can either:
A: Draw to Adopt
B: Fill Adoption Form
3: All deer can be made Male or Female, you may add accessories, antlers, or anything else you want. You MAY NOT change the colors or markings though.
4: These are NOT first come first served, I will judge forms and art accordingly when submitted. c:

Special: Adopted by Scythe!

#1 Mustard Heart
Question 1: What part of the mustard plant is mustard made from?
Question 2: What ingredients are used to make mustard?

#2 Orca
Question 1: What does Matrilineal mean?
Question 2: What are groups of orcas called?
Question 3: What family do orcas belong to?

#3 Spotted
Question 1: Name 5 species of spotted animals.
Question 2: Name 3 species of spotted insects.
Question 3: Name 2 species of spotted birds.

#4 Eurasian Wolf
Sorry, I'm keeping it. ;u;
But to make up for my selfishness...

Rules for Custom:
1: I can do must colors and patterns as long as they aren't an eyesore.
2: I can add hair, antlers, different eyes and tails.
3: This will be 1st come first served but based on who followed the rules.
4: Submit your own color palette and example of the patterns, hair, antlers, and tails you want!
Question 1: Show me a pretty shade of green.
Question 2: What happens when you mix red and blue?
Question 3: How many colors make up the Rainbow?
Question 4: Name the two colors that are invisible to the human eye.
Question 5: How many color receptors do humans have?
Question 6: Name one animal that has Tetrachromatic vision.
Would love to see how this
You bet I'm tracking this ;o
3 deer added, if they get
/really/ tempted for Orca....
Absurdly tempted for mustard
But otherwise tracktrack~
4 deer up!
Special Added!
Accidental double post.
I definetly want Eurasian
Would you be willing to adopt him out? :3
My last art trade was giving
My last art trade was giving me a spot of trouble, so I decided to take a break from it and work with this design instead. \o/ I've taken to calling him Kit. (:
@Scythe: Did you want to
@Staff: I'm not sure if I
Yes, please. ^^
Mkay ;-; Now that I think of
Now that I think of it, he's (I've taken to naming him and attaching to him already and giving him a gender lol) starting to become speshul. x.x
@Scythe: Alrighty, he's all
Did you want the original drawing also? You can save the one shown, I can't make the background transparent with sai. ;u;
Awesome, thank you.
Original drawing? I don't think that it's necessary, unless it's any different from the one above. I already saved that one to my computer.
Also, have a bump. Lovely designs; let's find them homes. (:
-sits- ouo
Can i have number 2 the orca
You need to fill the adoption