Bunch of questions for the forest community if they ever feel bored and wanna fill out some questions

I should fill out one form sometime too.
1) When did you first find out about the forest?
-Did you join instantly or needed some time before you joined?
2) What was your first picto
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
-Is your picto still in your posession or was it given away?
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happned in the forest?
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
-Do you still hang out with them?

Would you say you preffer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
9) Outside of characters, what is your favourite activity in the forest?
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
-Was the community as you first saw it different from the later times?
-How do you see it as now?
11) Who was your first character?
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
14) What is your favourite spot in the forest?
15) What is was your favourite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
21) Do you preffer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay?
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing?
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
25) What would you say to the community?
1) When did you first find
-Did you join instantly or needed some time before you joined?
A: I discovered the Forest three years ago via a Youtube video making fun of it but I was like "THIS GAME IS MADE FOR ME" lol
2) What was your first picto
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
-Is your picto still in your posession or was it given away?
A: This picto, I loved seeing the forest for the first time, Love my picto, never giving it away.
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
A: communicating with people whom I did not share a language is still my favorite thing.
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happened in the forest?
A: I saw big flowers once.
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
A: Yep, RPly one of my characters had to die/
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
A: nope
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
-Do you still hang out with them?
A: Jennie, La, Trout, and Faina, and not as much as we haven't been active
Cool Would you say you prefer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
A: I'm always sleeping so I'll feel bad if I get visitors. I'm afk very often.
9) Outside of characters, what is your favorite activity in the forest?
A: Mxing emotes and dancing.
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
A: Artists and Writers
-Was the community as you saw it differ from
-How do you see it as now?
A: nope.
11) Who was your first character?
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
No, she was eaten by a tree demon and lit herself on fire to escape but she came out a different deer. RP with me to learn more. lol
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
Tanpopo, Oduvanchik, Awenydd. no/no/yes
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
A: I like them all. Creative differences always keep it new and different.
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
A: Write more
14) What is your favorite spot in the forest?
A: Old Oak
15) What is was your favorite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
A: I don't know the name of it, the one with the swirls.
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
A: PERFECTION, maybe needs more grass.
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
A: male/female size/shape options
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
A: not really
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
A: 80% idle, 20% running around looking for anew spot to idle
21) Do you preffer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay? RP
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing? dancing
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
A: Writing short to long responses depending on the playstyle of the other player.
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
A: Call outs, but like those exist on every site.
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
A: Supportive.
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
A: wow this is a heavy question. So when I came here I was being severely abused from home and had no way to defend myself but after only a year of palling around with the Writers here, I found it easier and easier to stand up for myself. I think i learned what you call "self respect"
25) What would you say to the community?
A: Thank you all for everything you do. Whether it's write, draw, or both; it's beautiful.
This looks really fun!
1) When did you first find out about the forest?
-Did you join instantly or needed some time before you joined?
I think I discovered it via the WolfQuest forums actually lol. I joined instantly and was hooked.
2) What was your first picto?
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
-Is your picto still in your possession or was it given away?
My very first I believe I didn't like and dunno what happened to it. I then signed up for Custard, named after my cat who has since passed away. This became my 'main'.
I felt so excited when I first entered the forest. Everything was magical. My first memories were of the bridge, and then running up the stream to the Crying Idol. Another deer was there and they showed me how the red pelt worked - it confused me at first, but it was so exciting when I figured it out. I remember wishing it would stick and it kept fading.
I love the picto, it just reads as o4. Yes, it's still in my possession.
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
'The Endless Herd' created by Ravynn were some of my most enjoyable times, actually.
Early days when everyone could just goof about as well. I don't think the forest has the same charm anymore, heavily roleplay based - great for most, but just not really my thing haha :[
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happened in the forest?
I remember one time when I was much younger, barely being able to contain myself where there was a surprise abio. I was sooo excited when the god's came in and did little parties. Especially when I got my first wrestler's mask as well!
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
Hm... Maybe a couple, though they were times when I was younger and took interactions more personally. Silly me!
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
Yes, not for a very long time though.
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
-Do you still hang out with them?
Enkouwolf/Roxie... they aren't here anymore.
Also Taliene! Her picto was a rose, I used to pretend she was my mum when I was a fawn haha.
Not anymore, the last time I was in forest was a couple months ago - and before that, I haven't properly played in a few years now?
8 ) Would you say you prefer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
Approached by others mostly. However I realised because of this, I would often be sat around for hours on end with nothing to do, just waiting for people... I wasted so much damn time.
9) Outside of characters, what is your favourite activity in the forest?
Being goofy with a bunch of people. Making towers, spell-spamming to get crazy matching outfits.
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
-Was the community as you saw it differ from
-How do you see it as now?
Really friendly. 95% of people were very welcoming and playful, because no one took characters overly serious back then. The community was pretty much the same!
I see it rather differently now. Mostly as regards to in-game. I've had very minor issues with the community site <3
11) Who was your first character?
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
Yori. They're alive but I'm not active anymore!
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
I guess they're not all that different, really... My first was goofy, he wasn't really a serious character. Though I turned him more serious later on, but he's always been goofy at heart.
A few designs have stood out to me. My own have always been terrible though, very dull and boring and so very simple. People here have great imagination and are fantastic with designs!
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
Stop trying to be like everyone else. Just be yourself. (But maybe tone down the annoying-ness...)
14) What is your favourite spot in the forest?
Good question... it's always changing. I love the birch, though funnily enough avoided it for years because it used to feel really empty. (Though I grew to love that aspect. I doubt it's empty anymore.)
15) What is was your favourite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
I've always loved the skull mask. Whistling mask and Beluga mask have also always been favourites - the sound of the beluga is the best.
As for whole sets? No idea really.
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
A few things! Mostly from being younger
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
I no longer play. Very rarely visit; was partially active for a few days during the red's death though
21) Do you prefer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay?
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing?
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
I've never been good at text-based roleplay. Roleplay in forest is always fun, though I understand can be very limited. I like it that way though...
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
We are understanding, forgiving.
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
It's made me more artistic for one, but also more mature. More honest.
25) What would you say to the community?
Thankyou for being alongside me as I've grown up during my time here. Thanks for being so supportive, forgiving and just generally some of the best people. <3
Thanks for offering these,
1) When did you first find out about the forest?
A: I saw a screenshot of two deer standing on their heads at the Ruins. It was posted to the official TEF deviantArt group, I think..? Either that or I saw the screenshot on somebody's dA profile and I saw that they belonged to this group.
-Did you join instantly or needed some time before you joined?
No! I thought it was so weird and thought the deer were ugly enough that I literally called up a friend to tell them about it. I was so disturbed by it, but then I thought about WHY I had such a strong reaction to it and thought maybe I should give it a chance instead of freaking out over just a screenshot.
2) What was your first picto
The picto on this account!
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
I first entered the Forest as a Nameless, and I was so enchanted by the deer and the magic that I registered this account maybe half an hour later. The Forest was so peaceful and laidback, I felt like you didn't HAVE to be doing something in it to enjoy everything.
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
-Is your picto still in your possession or was it given away?
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
I met two very dear friends on the same day: Yuurei's player and Nightshade's player. After playing with them for a while, I posted on the community to see who they were and, luckily for me, they both responded!
And speaking of Nightshade, the conflict between Asriel (?) and The Collector was really fun to watch. I knew everybody involved and I'd talk to them about the conflict, but nobody spoiled the ending for me :^P
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happened in the forest?
The first Abio I ever attended was really fun! All of the strange things that happened and the music.. I'll never be able to forget it. It was like entering a dream!
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
There will always be painful things, no matter what community you belong to.
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
Tally's player, Kate (her username was like.. Okami34 or something like that..?), Mrs. H, Nightshade's player, Density, Siern's player.. I forget everybody.
Outside of my group of pals, my favorite picto of all time is I think Adolf's..? I can't find it, and it seems like he switched accounts, but the picto looks like a phonograph and I've admired it since the account has been around :'D
-Do you still hang out with them?
Well I definitely would if people didn't end up leaving TEFc and if I didn't lose most of their contact info during the Skype switch.
Cool. Would you say you prefer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
I prefer to be approached, but given the shyness of most players (myself included) I push myself to make the first step.
9) Outside of characters, what is your favourite activity in the forest?
The silly impromptu things that happen, like dance circles!
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
That's kind of hard to remember! I remember this feeling of openness, kind of like I could do anything. Deer would change their appearances seemingly on a whim and I'd see lots of small groups together, but there would also be meshing with other groups.
-Was the community as you saw it differ from
-How do you see it as now?
The community is larger now and people are thinking more outside of the box in terms of what's available in-game. I'm still working on making myself feel comfortable here again.
11) Who was your first character?
Frickin' Emmy.
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
Besides Emmy, I had Tika and Nikkolaus. Tika was one of those characters that I was able to stop playing and have her "die" without anybody really noticing. Nikko was my first foray into bringing an already existing character in-Forest and it didn't work as well as I had planned, so he got scrapped.
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them.
My past characters were trying very hard to convey certain things to people. I'd create a character because I saw a lack of something in-Forest or because I would want people to see me a certain way. For example, when I had first joined, people saw me as a very silly person (pff I guess people still do?) and so I wanted to play more serious characters because I didn't want to be seen as just that.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
There are great changes I've seen, but I also don't personally enjoy all of them. It's all simply aesthetic tastes, though.
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
The simple but very recognizable designs stand out the most to me. For example, Nine and Sai. Their designs really catch my attention because pretty much anybody with any lack of technical artistic skill could draw them and they'd be recognizable. Plus their designs are so, I dunno, "classic" to me.
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
Don't take things so personal and do not ever use a character as wish-fulfillment!
14) What is your favourite spot in the forest?
It's not really MY personal favorite, but Emm's spot behind the Oak in the twilight/night is really special to me.
15) What is was your favourite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
Call it nostalgia, but Siern's set (nightfall pelt, whistling mask, and candles) and any variation of antlers really gets me in the feels.
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
A magical, ethereal summer filled with all sorts of critters.
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
Allow people to choose between cervine and non-cervine avatars. It would make it easier to differentiate these things in-game because I have characters who have never seen/are afraid of non-cervine and it takes a while for me to pull up the community site, the map, find their picto, click on their bio, and then find out if my character should have freaked out and bolted within .5 seconds of seeing them lol
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
Absolutely! I said and did a lot of stupid things, but I don't like pretending that these things never happened, which is why I have a lot of my old, dumb posts and whatnot available on this account.
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
Hardly any, I don't have the time nor much interest, sadly.
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
Most of it is idling because not a lot happens in general, but if I do have to actively participate in something, it's hard because it's honestly rare for me to find a block of time where I'm on the computer to do just ONE thing. I'm not just on TEF to play, I'm also on Facebook chatting with my family, looking at character inspiration on tumblr, etc.
21) Do you prefer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay?
I can't say one or the other.
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing?
Running around, emote-combos, and sitting together.
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
The cliques.
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
The creativity and openness to ideas. I mean, we all started by playing human-faced deer. You can't get much "weirder" than that, so I feel like this is a great place to come up with ideas that most people outside of here would find way too strange.
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
I've become a much more critical person when it comes to character design and growth. Before I use to just take characters at face value, but now I think about why somebody made them, where I think they might go versus where they are in growth, and so on. I also have experienced a decreased drive to consume media and instead to create. I like reading books and watching movies, but more often I'll want to stop and make my own thing instead. I think that's beneficial to me.
25) What would you say to the community?
Always be aware, always think, don't be afraid to speak up.
But most of all, thanks for everything!
1) When did you first find
-Did you join instantly or needed some time before you joined?
A: I found out about TEF 2 years ago thanks to a picture on DeviantArt. I don't even remember how I found the picture, just remember that I found the creature in the picture to be interesting and wanted to know what it was from.
I can't quite remember if I started to play the game right then or if it took me a couple of days, but I do remember joining the community right after playing.
2) What was your first picto
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
-Is your picto still in your posession or was it given away?
My first picto is the one linked to this account, which I now like to call Cross Under a Hill. It is indeed still in my possession and I do not regret picking this picto to be my first-- even if I use to despise drawing it.
I felt excited and awed when I first entered the forest, it was so new and seemed like such a magical place.
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
Wow, that's a good question, I have so many fond memories in the Forest, most of them probably being in my first year. One of the fond memories is my first entrance into the Forest as a nameless. I was found by two fawns very quickly and played with them for a bit before I realized I wasn't actually logged into the game as a registered player.
I would have to say other fond memories would be meeting SylvanRah and Fly while I was still a new fawn as well as just all the first meetings with the ones that I can call friends.
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happned in the forest?
Hmm, that's also kind of a difficult one. I guess one of the events that I would call exciting is when Ashe was protecting Sethunya from Andor, as it was the first conflict he ever got into. Another exciting event would be my first abio/meeting with M&A-- though, if I recall, I think it was just Michael at that time.
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
Not any that I can exactly call painful-- though they're probably hiding in the back of my mind--, but I'm kind of sad that I'm probably not going to meet up with Dovahkiin/Donovan again anytime soon. I saw him kind of like a brother figure for Ashe. I'm actually sad that I don't speak with/see the ones I first interacted with as much as I use too, though that's most likely my fault than anything.
I'm still also kind of salty about a time when I tried to put a character in but was meet with a character of the same name's bio being bumped up. I didn't get any backlash from it so I probably could have kept him up and had him still running around to this day. But Nevermore is connected to that picto now, so eh.
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
I have~ I mini one, which was my first one, and a giant one.
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
-Do you still hang out with them?
When I first joined I hanged around with Sylvan, Fly, Lem, Naomi, Urschanabi, Donovan/Dovahkiin, Hiirni, Jen and Mandel a lot. Out of all of them, Sylvan, Fly, Lem and Dovah's were most likely ones that easily stood out the most to me. Sadly, I do not hang around with them as much as I use to.
8 )Would you say you preffer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
For me, it's easier if someone approaches me rather than me approaching them. I'm shy even on here, when behind a screen, and still can't really interact with someone without freaking out. Which is sad since I want to develop characters with other people's involvement. But I'mma chicken ;-;
9) Outside of characters, what is your favourite activity in the forest?
Just running around, chilling around, having fun with others.
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
-Was the community as you saw it differ from
-How do you see it as now?
Uum, I can't really say since I kind of joined the community instantly, but I thought it looked like one big family like group when kind of in reality, it's a bunch of smaller groups. Which, don't get me wrong,
is nothing bad, just different from my initial impression.
11) Who was your first character?
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
Ashe! My lovely, fluffy skull bab. He's... still around. Not as much as he use to be, since I guess he found a life outside in the human world. But he'll pop in every now and then.
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
I don't really know how to answer this one. Guess I really couldn't as they're all just phases evolving?
So many designs stand out to me. I love the designs people around here come up with. I do adore mine as well, but compared to all the gorgeous ones on here, they seem kind of dull.
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
Uuh, for me it might be the other way around, for my past self that first played this to tell my current self to be more out there. I've found I've reverted back into my ways of kind of hiding myself off from others and always kind of fearing that I'll say the wrong thing or that I'll be annoying to others. Sure I had those insecurities when I first played this game, I'm not sure I'll ever be rid of those, but I was more open then. It's my dA experience all over again ;;
14) What is your favourite spot in the forest?
Hmm, again, that's a tough question... It's always kind of moving around. But I do have a few that stay the same, like: the Ruins and the area behind it where the poppies grow, the tall grass in the birch part of the Forest, and that big flower patch that's between two trees.
15) What is was your favourite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
Oh boy, oh boy. Uuuh, I really love the swan set, sans mask. The DotD set has always been a favorite too, as well as the Zombie set... Guess we learned I can't have one favorite of anything.
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
Huhm. It's nice, lovely. Even the smallest details are nice. I think the only thing I would have liked was for the snow to appear on the ground when it's snowing.
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
Not that I can recall, but probably.
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
Sadly, I haven't been on much like I use to. Don't have the motivation or spark like I use to.
It differs whenever I'm on, but uuh, I guess about 50-50? Maybe 45-55. I/my characters get restless sometimes, but also, my frames aren't the best.
21) Do you preffer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay?
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing?
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
Both. I probably prefer the ingame more though since it doesn't deal with words-- I suck at words, guys. Really-- but that's also kind of the downside to it. Some words need to be exchanged for some developments.
Ingame, the prefered method is probably running around like crazy.
Roleplay, I do tend to prefer writing paragraphs. Whether long or short paragraphs kind of depends on the roleplay partner.
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
I'm just not gonna say anything for this one
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
Uuuh, the creativeness and support
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
Despite my earlier statement about closing myself off once again, this place, for a while, made me open up again and become more out there.
And I've gotten more into human-faced creatures-- or sphinx creatures.
25) What would you say to the community?
Thank you for the experience. Although the community may have rifts in it at times-- which, what community doesn't?-- this community is so creative and understanding/supportive, and if you're not then you at least try to be.
1) When did you first find
I first found out about the forest in 2006. It wasn't until 2008, when prompted by a former friend, that I actually joined.
2) What was your first picto
First picto
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
The first time I played TEF it felt ethereal... I don't really get that feeling anymore, save for some extremely brief moments of nostalgia.
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
I love my first picto! We went through a lot together.
-Is your picto still in your possession or was it given away?
I'll never give it away. It's important.
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
Oh gods, so many... First weather change, it turned into night with toadstalls. I played as a fawn, and danced with some welcoming old timers. This is one of many...
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happened in the forest?
To me, personally, probably the Baal plot years ago. It changed a lot.
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
Many, and much of that is from embarrassment over who I used to be and how I used to behave.
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
A few!
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
-Do you still hang out with them?
They don't play anymore. ):
-Cool Would you say you prefer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
I prefer to be approached due to social shyness, but I'm working on being better.
9) Outside of characters, what is your favourite activity in the forest?
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
I knew the community site before I knew the game, heh.
-Was the community as you saw it differ from
Only in time.
-How do you see it as now?
Different. In some ways better, but always missing a certain... 'feeling' that the old community had. But that's okay, change is a part of life, and I'm glad to have gotten to experience the community new and old.
11) Who was your first character?
The Red.
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
Passed away back in February from Cancer.
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
The Red.
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them?
The Red wasn't a well handled character until I returned from my hiatus. The others were forgettable.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
Massively different. Back then TEF characters were more based off the set that's picked. Now the designs have the set built around them!
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
Usually down to colour scheme and themes. I don't want to pick a favourite now though, there are so many...
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
14) What is your favourite spot in the forest?
Red Hill. It has so many fond memories for me. Love the poppy patch too though.
15) What is was your favourite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
I can't remember... And I still don't have a favourite set. Love the butterfly pelt though.
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
Outdated graphically, but I feel like it's timeless regardless.
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
So many regerts...
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
Too much, but...
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
... I'm often idling and doing other things.
21) Do you prefer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay?
I like to mix that. I don't enjoy typing big posts.
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing?
I don't know how to answer that.
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
Minimal, but effective.
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
I see a lot of problems arise through miscommunication and/or inconsideration. I wish that didn't happen. So much hurt could be avoidable...
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
When we overcome issues and better ourselves. And the fundraiser!
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
It's changed my life. I hope it's for the better.
25) What would you say to the community?
Please be good to one another. The world is a shitty enough place.
1) When did you first find
That was probably at least a few years, likely two before I officialy joined the community.
-Did you join instantly or needed some time before you joined?
Hell no xD the game was far too weird for me, but eventually it 'got more tougher' and joined anyway along with a certain somebody.
2) What was your first picto
This here.
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
Overwhelmed? It was really pretty and I had lots of fun, people back then were more active at the hours I normally played and I just think of the forest as a big magical place.
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
I lvoe it, but I feel a bit funky after being told it looks like dancing lemongrab xD Still love it.
-Is your picto still in your posession or was it given away?
It's mine and it will be forever, especialyl since it's my only picto of this generation.
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
I think they were minute, most of the time the forest feels cold, but that just makes the small cute moments shine all that brighter.
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happned in the forest?
Hmm, the largest dance line in my life.
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
None, only mild sad ones, irrelevant ones.
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
Yes, and it was EPIC.
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
Hannibalka, they played Cannibriel's daughter. I miss her. Also there was this weird picto, I think gen 1, they were around here and there but the picto...I wanted to know who they are, they were really friendly in the classical Tef sense!
-Do you still hang out with them?
Hannibalka is rarely around.
Cool Would you say you preffer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
I am rather approached, but I try to approach others more often, just gotta make sure they're not idling that is.
9) Outside of characters, what is your favourite activity in the forest?
Finding out new animation hybrids, for a very long time i couldn't know how to do that
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
Funny but, I ought all the deer that had the real deer pelts were super awesome and special and I wanted my character to look just like them xD and bam cannibriel was born! Back then I didn't even know that the characters looked any different from their in game appearances.
-Was the community as you saw it differ from
Yeah obv. People created far more creative characters, and their interractions were far more complex. In a way that spoiled the whimsical nature of this game for me xD
-How do you see it as now?
A lot more reserved, but strong like a wall, less whimsical and random as I remember it as.
11) Who was your first character?
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
Ofc, they will allways be with me c:
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
Cannibriel and the apprentice were original to the forest, they'll still here. I don't remember which character was the third original to TEF and not moved from another universe.
They still stick around.
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them.
All of my characters in here are from the same development cycle. I don't have as long of a TEF history as other users.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
I think they've been turning further and further away from the in game representations. Which is nice, it makes you find originality in the things that the community has long moved past and forgotten xD
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
I really like designs that are simple with a hint of complexity, or are shaped like severe aberrations.
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
Be more corageous, never loose your charm.
14) What is your favourite spot in the forest?
The purple flower patch under a light ray next to a baby tree.
15) What is was your favourite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
For the longest time the real deer set with the poppy antlers. But I love the space beluga set too xD
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
Very faithful to how a forest looks, were it more detailed and more dense it would be as a real forest is. But sometimes staying simple has the same if not the better effect than going over the board with it. Most game designers don't know how a forest looks like l:I
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
Better optimization. I would be more happy to run the game in theb background that way.
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
None. Maybe being too sky.
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
Not a lot, a few times every few days. Would be more if I could find more active people.
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
I'm allmost allways fully active, unless invited to idle by another person.
21) Do you preffer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay?
I like to roleplay and do random shenanigans.
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing?
Dancing or spamming animations, perhaps just cuddling together.
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
Here, likely over skype, I am very very bad at starting roleplays in the forest.
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
I don't think I came across anything that the previous people haven't mentioned yet. But I think I'll say a mild sad thing about the community is shyness.
Most are very shy, and i think that makes the shy individuals very sad cause they have a hard time connecting with people.
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
The friendlyness and supporting nature.
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
Well gee. I think i've became a far more creative person lol, though I think my designs have grown more unoriginal in original ways if that makes sense.
25) What would you say to the community?
You all are lovely, stay strong c:
1) When did you first find
-Did you join instantly or needed some time before you joined?
I don't remember how I found TEF but I know that I didn't stop to think about joining. I just... joined ;u;
2) What was your first picto
-How did you feel when you first entered the forest
-Do you like your picto or do you not?
-Is your picto still in your possession or was it given away?
My first picto was zero123, named not for 0123, but rather because I was really into Vampire Knights at the time xD I still love my picto to this day and I still own it, using it for my OOC
3) What were your most fondest memories in the forest?
My fondest memory of the forest might just be my first week or so in the forest. I met and played with strangers, thought someone wearing the forest spirit mask was a god xD, and I met Vee, who dealt with my noob self very kindly.
4) What was the most exciting thing that ever happened in the forest?
I think abiogenesis and player events/plots are some of exciting things I've seen or been apart of
5) Do you have any painful memories of the forest?
Very few. I've had players get angry at me for my activity and it's a swore spot for me now.
6) Have you ever seen an abiogenesis?
Yes ;u; I've seen only a small handful, maybe three? But I've loved every single one
7) Who did you hang out most when you first joined? Any picto that stood out to you?
-Do you still hang out with them?
Lol umm I bugged Vee a good deal, along with Wotsits and Silverpaw15. Those are the ones I remember most, though in truth I made so many more friends later on than I did in the beginning.
One of the pictos that stood out the most to me was probably This One which belong to shimmyshimmy's character Silence.
As for people I still hang out with, I still talk to Vee c':
8 ) Would you say you prefer to approach other people or are you rather approached by others?
I think it's 50/50. I like to be approached, because it makes you feel like someone took interest in me, but at the same time I know that if I don't approach others, it's likely I'll be by myself ^^
9) Outside of characters, what is your favourite activity in the forest?
I love peacocking sleeping deer, spelling spamming, and HUGE cuddle piles x3
10) When you first joined, but before you came up with the community site, how did you see the in forest community as?
-Was the community as you saw it differ from
-How do you see it as now?
Gosh... I feel like the community site back then was different, yet it's still somewhat similar. Now everything focuses on RP and Characters, where as back then it was more relaxed and open, but it's still filled with support and people who will help you when you make mistakes
11) Who was your first character?
-Are they still around, if not, how did they pass?
-If more than one, who were your first three characters, are they still around?
My first character was Sugar, a red pelted doe. She's not around anymore, I had her pass one by being hit by a car and slowly passing in the comfort of TEF. Though it seems cruel, she didn't suffer, she was at piece in TEF
12) If you could look back into your past characters and your current ones, how would you compare them.
-What do you think of how character designs changed through the community
-Are there any particular character designs that stand out to you?
My first characters were simple and based on TEF sets, as I think many characters were made that way in the beginning. Now everyone puts their all into designing their characters to make them wholly individual. And I love all the character designs on here ;u;
13) If you could speak with your past self that played this game, what would you say to them?
Just do your own thing, don't worry so much about trying to please everyone else. Also, you'll make some amazing friends.
14) What is your favourite spot in the forest?
I love the ruins, the patch of dandelions by the pond bridge, a special spot against de drinkplaats, and the twin gods hill
15) What is was your favourite set, and is it still now or have your tastes changed?
I've always had a love for the trumpet or key antlers, long mask, and red idol pelt. It's still my fave now
16) How would you describe the appearance of the forest?
Quiet, Serene, Warm and Cool
17) If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?
Nothing. End of discussion.
18) Are there any things you regret you did in the forest?
Being rude in the beginning as I didn't understand fully what rp and IC actions were.
20) How much time do you spend in the forest?
-How much of it is active participation vs idling?
Um... a few days a week, which can range from 1-2 hours a day, or up to like 10+ hours. Most of it is spent idling.
21) Do you prefer to play with the active denizens in the forest or roleplay?
-During playing, which actions does your play group usually end up doing?
-If roleplaying, what is your preferred method to roleplay?
I think I like both though I do roleplay more than actual play. If I play, I normally jump around or run around the forest. I like long roleplays but normally I end up doing short little ones ^^
22) What do you think are or were the worst qualities of the community?
Social circles. Many people don't really reach outside of their groups and it can be hard for others.
23) What do you think is notably praiseworthy about the community?
24) How do you think has the game and all it's inhabitants shaped you as a person?
TEF has helped me become more creative, helped me deal with certain citations, and furthered my want to wrap my friends in blankets and feed them snacks so they're happy.
25) What would you say to the community?
I love everyone here and the role TEF has played in my life. Thank you all, whether you've interacted with me before or not. Thank you.