The Monster in Disguise

Bad Blood
Marking Reference
*Note: Anything White you see on this Reference is to be red Grays remain the same with the exception of the face.
Set: Orange Striped, Default Antlers (Poppies/Hyacinths), Real Deer Mask/Skull Mask
Alternate: Crying Idol Pelt, Default Antlers (Poppies/Hyacinths), Real Deer Mask/Orca Mask
Might be seen wearing the Skull Mask.
Full Moon/Mental Issues: Monarch Pelt, Real Deer Antlers/Default with Candles, Skull Mask/No mask.
During October she will likely wear Candles.
Amadalia's size is LARGE
At her Shoulder/Withers she stands about 6' Tall
At the Crown of her Head She is 7' Tall
Her Body is heavily Muscled, Rippling with Power.
Heavy fur covers her frame, extremely thick but very silky to the touch.
Extremely wolf like build instead of a Deer like frame.
A thick mane forms at the crown of her head and flows all the way back to the base of her tail.
Her body is Naturally 'black' in coloration but Red covers most of it.
Despite being a Wolf in Structure, she has Elk like Antlers upon her head.
Paws are upon her feet instead of Hooves like a Deer.
Her tail is long, and extremely fluffy, a wolf tail in structure.
Sharp, canine fangs in her mouth.
Jaws are capable of stretching and extending much like a serpents.
Jaws cannot however, unhinge like a serpents.
Wolf like ears, and very wolf like Golden Eyes.
:B Hi ♥
Hi ♥
Quad - "Rawr!!...I need a
I sincerely apologize okay!
I would like for you to leave
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
^Lol. And trackin' mah
And trackin' mah baby. (:
Purrrrrrrrr~ Oh yes, Tracking
|D I'm so mean aren't I? C:
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
She's so epic 8D! Tracking
Tracking this awesome bio <3
Re track
Weeeeeeee for Updates...
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Update Bumps~
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Updates: Colored Refs under
Colored Refs under Werewolf Appearance
Colored Ref under Human Apperance
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Updates: Added new music to
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
I love wolf based characters.
~Rihame's Bio~
A lot of stuff being done
I redid her Playlist. Updated a few things here and there, added a little Update Dropdown List for people, and I am working on the next story in her story arch.
I'm not active but expect a lot of things to come everyone~
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"