"His Blood Runs Thin..." (Prose - Violence)

Graveyard's picture
Below the Cut is CSS and the Story of How Amadalia returned to her Homelands, and took care of Tomrael.
Disclaimer: This is bound to have Violence, Blood and Fighting. Viewer Discretion is Advised.
- You are free to Interact with Amadalia on this Thread if you Desire
- This is currently a Temporary Placeholder until the Story is Complete.

"The Final Howling" || "All For What" || "His Blood Runs Thin..." You Are Here *

"Your Blood Runs Thin....
You damned Angel... in Disguise...
You Twitch... you Convulse...
As my Jaws crush your throat...
This Ends now...
My pack... is mine..."

His Blood Runs Thin...

Coming Soon...