"The Final Howling" (Prose)

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Below the Cut is CSS and the Story of How Amadalia came to enter the Forest.
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"The Pack She Howls... the Pack She Hunts... Click Above to listen to the Pack before reading... Join Us... for our Last Howling"

The Final Howling

The forest seemed silent, quiet... nothing was sounding out tonight... despite the moon being high above in the night skies. Full and beautiful in all it's glory... creatures walking through the land would feel a sense of security in this small... thickly coated forest. But that was anything but true. No... creatures, beasts... wandered through these lands, creatures that never held one true form but multiple takes. One large pack was within these lands, and soon the creatures would flee... howls... loud, mournful howls filling the air.

The pack seemed to be out and on the hunt, creatures within beware... the pack was on the hunt. Swiftly moving through the fog coated woods... they moved in unison... several massive canines... two massive felines... each with a unique trait to them. The heavy frames were clear signs that these beasts were not what they seemed to be... far larger than the creatures that they resembled.

At the front of the pack was the massive frame of a black canine, heavy red streaks flowing through her fur making the body look like it was painted with blood... what set this wolf away from the rest seemed to be the large... elk like antlers that rested upon that heavy head. Paws thudded along the ground as they ran through the fog... howls coming from the canines as they moved... on the prowl... on the hunt for this nights prey. Amadalia, the Alpha of this clan moving as she went... leaping over a fallen tree and landing on the otherside.

Stopping where she was the canine lifted her head up, the rest of her pack slowly gathering around her... some submissive... others naturally staying their grounds. No one dared to approach the Alpha on the moon nights... she was dangerous, far more so than they were. The two felines approaching the large wolf at her sides... to the left, the elegantly framed male... his body heavily set... tiger like in the frame... the beautiful coloration of a Golden Tiger... however stripes mixed with a flurry of spots on his body, cheetah like speckles mixing with them. His fur had soft flecks of crimson in it as well... a thick, crimson mane trailing the entire length of his body to the base of his tail... much like the Alpha beside him. And much like the canine, the feline bore upon his head a rack of antlers... but not like the Alpha's... his were much like that of a Mule Deers or White Tail Deers... very elegant and with many points.

To the right was the bulkier of the two, while the one male held a tiger like frame... this one was clearly lion like in nature... heavily built with that massive black mane that was highlighted with brilliant blue stripes... the mane coating out towards where it ended... continuing down the entire length of his back much like the other two... traveling and stopping at the base of the tail. While his mane was black... the brutes body was a brilliant white in coloration, very faint stripes visible on it along with the same cheetah like speckles that the other male held. Both were related... for they were both brothers... twins... to be exact. At the crown of the massive lions head was a heavy rack... caribou like in structure and looking extremely heavy the antlers were a sign of his power.

Amadalia shifted her attention to a side, those golden wolves eyes taking in the area before her head craned upwards and the howl she emitted carried through the wind... the rest of the pack following in the chorus of sounds before slowly they fell silent once again.

"There is nothing within the territory..."

Those golden eyes shifted down to the one who spoke... a canine much like herself... larger in build but lacking the antlers that she held. His body was a rusty red in coloration with a heavily brindle colored back... the coloration looking as though fresh snow had fallen onto his form. His ears were perked high, watching as the Alpha gave him those deadly eyes in a heavy gaze... tail lowering down in a submissive stance as he whined out and slowly backed away, whimpering as he went "I meant no ill harm..." He mumbled out whining more "But... the herds have moved on... there is nothing left here besides those from other clans..."

Snorting softly Amadalia shifted and sighed... moving down from where she was and standing in front of the other canine "Then we follow the herds... if they leave our lands we will starve... and we cannot steal or hunt from the neighboring clans unless our neighbors are the humans..."

"Which sadly they are not..." The lion let out as he moved up beside the female, raising his head upwards "The humans that stayed within our territory have long since left after we drove them towards the cliffs... those that live closeby are the Fauns and Centaur."

"Thank you Ranath..."

"You are welcome..." He let out softly bowing his head to the female, glancing back when the tiger had come up... watching as the female had gently nuzzled into him... sighing deeply "Should we carry on and follow the herd before the night ends?"

"Yes..." Amadalia let out before raising her head and howling again, the pack joining with her before she carried on...


The lion glanced to his twin when the tiger had come over, watching as the pack followed the she-wolf as she charged on "Yes "Tomrael?"

"You heard them didn't you."

"Yes..." Sighing deeply the lion shook his head "Come... let's go..." He muttered before charging to carry on after the pack... having been left behind.

Amadalia was carrying on, panting softly as they went... at the lead of the pack with the rest following behind her there was no preparation for what would happen soon. Those who had a quick ear would have heard some of those towards the back speaking of things... that it wasn't right for them to have to leave when they could simply take from the neighboring clan. Towards the back... two had cut themselves off... running back, the Alpha was without the two she had declared beta... Ranath would be a problem... and these two were going back to see to it that he wouldn't be around.

Slowly the she-wolf came to a dulling jog... panting some and slightly winded from the running... she was at a perfect disadvantage... and it was then that the pack capitalized on her. Three of the canines follow tackled into the females form going for the throat and earning howls and snarls of outrage from her form... that thick fur of the Alpha's proving to be difficult to get through and with her antlers... it was harder. The three that had come at her were easily taken care of as the females growled out deeply baring those heavy canines that were in her mouth "What is the meaning of this!?"

No answer... those that attacked getting up and again coming at her... the Alpha lashing out with those heavy antlers as one of the poor subordinates would meet with that deadly point in the eye and into the skull cavity... snarling some, she shoved the convulsing canines form to the ground and flung that head around gripping onto anothers throat... flinging the canines form with ease to the ground in front of her before... the third that had come at her quickly scampering away as she dug her paw down onto the canines throat growling more.

Amadalia's attention on the shuddering were below her... it wasn't until the claws were digging into her hind quarters that she realized someone else had been watching. Howling out sharply the she-wolf ripped her body around slamming her antlers into the attacker... clashing and tangling the heavy rack with the rack of anothers... "Tomrael?"

Hissing out sharply the feline shoved forward and lashed out with his claws... striking over the alpha's chest and then going at her face... ripping over the left side and dragging those claws down earning a yelp from the female as he pushed her back and lashed out with the claws again... one of the other wolves tackling the she-wolves back and digging fangs in before getting knocked off.

Snarling and growling out Amadalia moved back circling around those that were showing that aggression for her... that thick fur of hers being coated in the heavy blood that was dripping from the wounds of her frame... narrowing down those golden eyes... the female charged forward slamming those elk like antlers into that of the felines... driving forward and pushing him back before she was tackled again by the other canines... howling again with the pain of their teeth and claws digging into her she stepped back growling out again before being slammed into by Tomrael.

The feline hissing sharply and clawing at her frame before the Alpha got to her feet and had lashed at his face before rushing... running from the area... growling softly, Tomrael followed... the heavy beat of their feet being one of the only sounds to carry through the fog laidened forest as he persued her... the wolf capable of out running him... but not capable of losing him. He could smell her blood, see it on the ground... though before he caught up to her the tiger skidded to a stop... growling out sharply and hissing as he bared his fangs "KEEP RUNNING!"

Amadalia glanced back, seeing that the other had stopped... snarling she slowly slowed to a walk... hearing his yells... panting heavily she drug her feet along the ground... blood dripping from the sides of her mouth, bleeding from the heavy wounds on her face, neck and back... where was she? This place wasn't somewhere she knew... and how far did she run? It didn't seem to matter... panting more the she-wolf just pressed herself on... white barked trees surrounding her as she traveled through the heavy grass until entering a small clearing.

Her body quivered from the pain but the she-wolf brought her head up and let out a howl... muffled by the blood in her mouth... it was loud but not as loud as it normal was. The female soon collapsed down though curling up in a response to it... tail carefully curling around her as the blood slipped around her frame when it pooled on the ground. Where was she? What was this place...

"A Stranger in your World"