"All For What" (Prose)

Graveyard's picture
Below the Cut is CSS and the Story of How Amadalia's thoughts come into play as she contemplates her return to Take out Tomrael.
- You are free to Interact with Amadalia on this Thread if you Desire

"The Final Howling" || "All For What" You are Here * || "His Blood Runs Thin..."

"I am Coming...
I am Coming For you...
I am Coming...
I am Coming to Rip your Throat Out..."

All For What

Slowly those heavy paws moved along through the forest. She had made herself a small bit of a home here, getting to know the strange and... interesting creatures of this forest. Establishing a hand hold and friendship with some, one would argue many but she stuck away from the large crowds. And stuck away from the plain and normal, it was out of an act of... 'fear' one could say, she didn't want to attack a common deer in this place out of instinct. At least not one of the ones that seemed to be well known and named, Amadalia had no problems with attacking something that held no title and was what the others have dubbed 'naked' in their minds.

Carefully she walked along, casing each of the areas of this world and place... often times stopping and sniffing the air or ground to pick up any new scents that had met that thick nose. Her ears carefully swivling and moving around behind her head, taking in all the little bellows, buggles, grunts, snorts and chitters she heard from most of the creatures in this place. Amadalia shifted and slowly walked her way through the area, she was casing a barrier really... having pinpointed where she had came into this strange forest when she was first able to walk.

Sitting her paw down on the ground the canine snorted before slowly making her way down the hillside and walking along the edge that was near the large lake... going down and getting a long drink from the pond. Lapping up the water and having it dripping down the thick fur on her chin as she shook her head for a moment and her ears shifted around more. Snorting again, she lifted her head up... water dripping down her chin as she licked over her jaws. Now she was curious, those that she met... would they worry if she went back to her lands and never came back?

Amadalia's mind was working over several thoughts, she was going to go back to her lands... and restore the proper order for her pack... make sure that they are established and well off. She snorted again with a gentle snarl forming on her mouth... and to kill Tomrael if at all possible. She would grab him by that damned traiterous throat of his and squeeze, never letting going until his body convulsed with it's last breath. Growling some she snorted deeply and shook her head, hissing out and shifting before walking from the lakeside and moving off.

Those thoughts drifted to those she was friends with, she felt they were close... close enough to her where she felt they were one with her as a pack. Though she doubted they would ever feel the same, it was just how she was. She was a pack animal, the Alpha of a large one before coming here... it was nature that often drew her to things like groups or to be around those that she knew. Instincts, that's the biggest thing she ran on in this place. Sighing deeply she glanced over her shoulder for a moment watching as those who fled from her were slowly working their way back towards the lake where she had taken her drink.

Digging her claws into the ground she just walked off, snorting as she made her way around and slowly walked along and over the bridge. Making her way back and away from most coming out and into the 'birch forest' as it was called by those that lived in the area. Going and then stopping, she glanced down to the ground where there was just a small clearing... she snorted and sighed closing her eyes. This was where she was found by so many others, where she had been collapsed out in pain and bleeding like a wreck. Glancing forward she snarled some before walking, and going.

Making her way towards the edge of where she knew she came from stopping just before it. Her fur bristling on end as she growled out more, those golden eyes narrowing with a fiery blaze to them as she hissed out her disgust. Yes she was going to go in there soon... eventually, to take back what was hers... and to give that damned traitor what was coming to him. Her tail swayed behind her... a hiss, another growl before she stepped forward and that heavy antlered head jerked up and that loud, well known howl rang out through the air... carrying through to the ears of anyone that was nearby. To anyone who was brave enough to hear or listen to it.

Slowly, she lowered her head... Amadalia staring out beyond the birch trees and thick darker pines that were there... her ears flicking forward when that howl had been answered... her pack was in those woods still and they seemed to be fine but there were fewer calls than she remembered. Those large ears leaned forward, listening to their song... their call... were the pleading to her for help? Or were they warning her to stay away, that they didn't need her anymore. Whatever they were saying, it was too faint to really make the point. But now they knew, she was alive... and she was coming back....

"You Hear My Howls"