R.I.P Billy

squeegie's picture
Billy Mays died today...
;c This is very upsetting. I always thought he was a fun guy with fun commercials. You might've thought he was annoying, though. But it's still very sad. And all these celebrity deaths...what's going on?

R.I.P Billy Mays.

..;__; -- Dannii


-- Dannii <3


Gosh, what's with basically

Gosh, what's with basically healthy celebrities dropping like flies?! D:


squeegie's picture

-snugs Dannii- I know.

-snugs Dannii-

I know. It's so strange, four have gone. ;c
Fledermaus's picture

ACK that's really messed

ACK that's really messed up.
I hate when people just die right out of the blue. It's really a shock, both for MJ and now Billy.

Pegasicorn's picture

I've been wondering the same

I've been wondering the same thing. Makes me think this month is cursed or something..

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Snowrift's picture

I thoguht the same Whats

I thoguht the same Sad

Whats up? Whos next?


Paralda's picture

D: another famous one?

D: another famous one?

T__T the famous go falling one for one
what is happening with this world?

I heard... And both Billy

I heard...

And both Billy and MJ were 50 >> We were all surprised when we found out in our house... This was so wierd... I didn't think there was any problem with him... We were pretty sure MJ died from all the plastic surgeries and drugs but Billy... idk..


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squeegie's picture

From what I've heard, Billy

From what I've heard, Billy Mays was on an airplane and it made a rough landing, causing him to bump his head hard. He seemed fine and even made a small interview after the flight. But he died in his sleep that night and his wife found him in the morning. He most likely died of a brain hemorrhage. ;c

;.;... -cuddles everyone

-cuddles everyone warmly and hands out muffins-

-- Dannii <3


OMG... I already don't like

OMG... I already don't like airplanes Shocked -noms muffin- Chocolate Chip yay...


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