• Basics
: Adrastos
|| Gender
: Male || Appearance
: Ref || Size
: #15 || Talk
: #877777
Son of Darkweaver & Laghodessa
Brother to Archelius, Loki, Laoise, Cearul, Arien, & Idaine.
¤ Bulk of herd considered exiles from The Endless Forest.
¤ Born outside of The Endless Forest, somewhere in Russia.
¤ Family and old herd considered 'demons' needing to be destroyed.
¤ Risen from the dead by Osias, along with his mother and younger sister on 11/3/2012.
¤ Was housed in his older brothers antlers for some several centuries until finally resurrected.
¤ Traveled quite a bit. Killed along with his mother and younger sister by devout pelted 'zealots'.
• About
Likes kids but not entirely sure what to do with them. Always afraid he might accidentally step on them. Sterile, won't ever have any of his own.
Really loyal to his family, always puts them first. Weird about forming tight relationships outside of familial ties because of it. Doesn't want to hurt anyone in the event things don't work out. Bringing food does not guarantee a friend for life.
Not really concerned with forest happenings. Immerses himself in family stuff and there is also the fact that a spirit followed him upon resurrection against his will. I't's not 'evil', just really bitchy and it really serves no purpose other than to nag at him near constantly for who knows what. Arguing with it is futile so doesn't bother. Kind of just hoping someone eventually senses it and takes it away.
A glutton, and exceptionally lazy. Doesn't mind romping around or engaging in playtime but... would rather laze around. Pretty terrible at investigating things too. Unless something happens with him right there he's unlikely to go out of his way to locate sources of chaos. Not forgiving, but not prone to revenge either, at least if it requires tracking them down.
If things take a violent turn doesn't necessarily process anger. More or less passionate about all aspects of violence even if he doesn't go out of his way to find any of it. Does coincidentally have issues with backing down, but it's not anger that fuels it, rather a deep passion backed by an unethical sense of hilarity.
Mostly acts on behalf of a set of moral standards that he has been exposed to, what brings good fortune and praise. Doesn't necessarily care about any of it, save for the foundation of which compels him to follow them; familial ties, doesn't wish harm upon his family, therefor behavior may shift to accomplish this. Not really 'set' in his ways save for a bit of a comedic nature... whether or not anyone else actually finds him funny is something else entirely.
and a track. I have so many
I have so many profiles to make. augh.
So happy to see this.
*Dives on in here*
Glutton. ♥ All the
Flatsoda - Mm Mauvable -
Mauvable - Haha, yes. ♥
his tail is my favorite part
a nice, different touch
*rolls all over this*
Dinamo - The others seem to
ClockWorkC - Rolling permitted.
Iiii'llll just track this.
Ah, incredible design he has.
My little doe is really curious about him. : )
I love his skull, gorgeous. I
CydaLuva83 - Merci Sixxella
Sixxella - Thank you. Really like his tail too. Definitely love your little doe, Ella.
jala - boop
Lung - Thanks, you. Personality though, still need to work quite a bit on that.
Walter informs me that if
Walter Buttsniffs are an
Gotta track this, I'm
Verdalas - I'll be sure to
Zergarikiaka - That they are.
Snowsauria - Glad to hear it. (:
also i might go afk here in a little bit for dinner :3
Lil something for
Ooh, thanks. It's lovely.
Where'd the bio go? o.o
So happy to see the big lug