The Hitlist [Jester's Relationships || HELP NEEDED]
July 1, 2010 - 5:04pm — Trickster
Sososooo, I've been wanting to create a post where I can compile together a rough list of all of Jester's acquaintances, both for biography and other supersekrit purposes and now, I'm finally deciding to do it. instead of going to bed. because bed is totally icky ♥
Baasically, this be-eth a place to record Jester's relationships by you guize posting your deer's name if you think they have some kind of relationship with him (click here to view his bio :3). If you have met him in the forest, most likely they have some kind of association with one another and, even if you haven't met him in-forest but have interacted with him on the site, or even haven't encountered him at all, that works, too~! ♥ If you think your deer would get along (or, indeed, not get along) with jester, or have any basic kind of affiliation with him whatsoever, post your deer here anyway-it's all in good fun, after all! ♥
When you post, it would also be handy if you could please give me links to your deer's biography and picto and, if you're feeling up to it, a little note about what you think their relationship is all about (ie. BFF's, friends, acquaintances, enemies, stalkertastic, mentor (oh lawd), mistress, etc etc) would also be niftylicious, tee hee~! ♥ i'll add some deer to this list myself later if they're not terribly active/may have missed the post/whathaveyou, but i'd rather not miss anybody, so this is the best way, methinks :3
basically, post away my lovelies, thankyew very much for your time and, of course, do not be afraid to post-jester is a very social character, i'm very easygoing, and neither of us bite (much), so gogogo! ♥
the hitlist
♥ amadahy
biography || picto
'theatre buddy'. these two together amount to rather large amounts of wordplay, flamboyance, and the best dance moves possible with only 11 hotkeys.
♥ amazon
biography || picto
partner in crime. she enjoys presents, popping out of cakes, and making jester look like really attractive santa.
♥ athena
biography || picto
new friend. as well as sharing similar taste in fabulous antlers, when together, this pair amount to nothing short of a two-man circus-play fighting, practicing, joking, general messing around, and overall killing of the rofl hotkey.
♥ auge
biography || picto
stacy's mum buttonmash partner-truly, whoever decided that these two should be allowed to mess about together was just asking for many broken keyboards. jester adores auge's company and, despite her unique appearance, finds her quite intriguing, and her 'costume' rather attractive, in its own unique way. when this pair get started, people should truly clear the area, at risk of having a stray detached hoof or uncontrolled flying bell hit them. jester would toot her trumpets any day ♥
♥ flyra
biography || picto
-coming soon-
♥ foxbrow
biography || picto
play mate. foxbrow is a creature who loves to play games and, being quite the games master himself, jester quite understands her whacky ways of entertaining herself and is only all too willing to partake in such activities. together, these two frolic better than newborn happy spring lambs in a sunny meadow on a dewy spring morning.
♥ gehirn
biography || picto
target of tease. the more gehirn becomes annoyed by him, the increasingly delighted jester becomes. these two meeting usually results in a doe-less, frustrated gehirn and a high risk of jester's eyelashes falling off from over-batting.
♥ imp
biography || picto
friend-with-many-many-MANY-benefits. it is difficult to define the relationship that imp and jester have-whilst they are very similar in both ways and thoughts, they are oh-so-very different at the same time. they constantly test one another, both mind and body, with said testing usually involving the most creative, artistic, and sensual methods of assessment ever. these two tend to ‘break their own rules’ for one another, which suggests some kind of special bond-imp usually would not take an interest in one like him, nor divulge his 'blindness' (a weakness) or tell of his secrets (STOP, FACEMOUTH TIME~), where jester would not accept a potential costar, form such an attachment to another, nor allow someone to show any dominance over him, among other matters. however, two actors together begs the question of how much is truth-this pair have a unique and interesting dynamic, to say the least.
♥ jack
biography || picto
double-edged. whilst they appear to like another and enjoy each other's company, a case of similar wicked trains of though very much amount to an 'i like you, but i'll totally kill you, just because i can ♥' relationship. one of the most common things you'll spot these two doing together can be termed the 'nuzzle dance', involving nuzzling and dancing simultaneously. quite the pair, their dynamic is certainly intriguing.
♥ jorogumo
biography || picto
eight legs. a black widow and a too-wise redback, these two together usually amounts to quite the flirt-fest. with both joro and jester possessing that dangerously seductive flair, the trickster always enjoys his time with the spider, though always ensures that he remains one step ahead of her, lest she decide to catch him in her web and do what widow's do best to the males of their species. these two are also raging pictogram twins, with barely a line between their respective symbols.
♥ kaoori
biography || picto
acquaintance. whilst jester has come across kaoori many a time in the forest, their meetings have usually only been brief due to one reason or another. as such, these two have not really had the chance to develop into solid friends. however, when they meet, much silliness such in the way of dancing, dressing up, and general rowdy behaviour tends to follow, with the small doe and the trickster always getting along well when they have the chance to meet.
♥ poltergeist
biography || picto
good friend. she enjoyed jester's company, and he was good at cheering her up. whilst deeply saddened at poltergeist's recent passing, jester's love of the theatre also saw him finding her end quite the stunning and perfect conclusion to her story, and she remains one of the select few that jester will happily refer to as a 'costar'. he also thinks her mum is hot.
♥ poppyseed
biography || picto
little-yet-big bounce buddy. jester has known poppyseed since she was a fawn, where they became fast friends. even though poppyseed has now progressed through fawn-hood, the two are just as good friends, with jester always regarding her as 'little poppyseed' despite her now-adult status, much to her dismay. when together, these two will play for hours on end, with said play usually involving poppyseed attempting to bounce upon the trickster to mess up his coat-an old habit from her younger days which doesn't look set to be broken anytime soon.
♥ tamari
biography || picto
-coming soon-
♥ virgil
biography || picto
jester's oldest friend, and the first deer he met within the forest. whilst the hart knows nothing more of jester's history or self than most others, the trickster regards virgil as probably his closest friend, and is the one with whom he has spent the most time. whilst jester loves nothing more than to tease and irritate the stag, it is unspoken that virgil tolerates and takes this within his stride-yes, even when jester decides to dress as kiyoko and wiggle about lewdly. overall, a dependable figure within jester's life.
[ jester | interactions | icons | layout inspiration ]
Weeew test comment. And a
edit: i also forgot that i made it so that all of these comments are in lowercase buuut most of the stuff i just wrote was in excited capitals so WOO ♥
ama likes presents and pops
Amadahy, link's in my
I...dunno what her relationship with him is. >> Friends/slightly-more-than-an-acquaintance of some sort? /fail
amaface: PFFF she so does~!
oceandoodle: WEEEW JESTER HAS A COLLECTION OF AMA'S ♥♥♥ gotta catch em' all, ama-mon's~! but eee thankies muchly oceaaan aaand, i shall add her right away-i shall call them theatre buddies, for lack of a better title? *giggles* i almost said acquaintances with benefits and rethought what i said for poor ama's sake *giggles* ♥
That's all right! You too!
I love the layout of this blog, by the way. (:
Ama-mon! Return!
@ amaness: naaaaw you're so
and oooh, wai thankyew very much!
aoisdfou NINJA'D ♥
jester-mon used masterball!
BAD ZEBBIE. |D Yes...let's
Yes...let's just go with theatre buddies. >>
*giggles* WHO, ME~? *bats
oh lawd *laughs* THEATRE BUDDIES IT IS~!
hay, it's better than 'play mates' *shot*Poltergeist ofcourse!
Also, Gehirn(Shared picto with Horizon) Thinks of him as an annoyance >8C.. They've met only once but he knows enough.
Scaring his toy away, pfff ¬.¬... XD He also doesn't have a proper bio atm. Just a raging old one. OOOLD. LIKE YEARS OLD.
Jester still maintains he was better than said toy, and OOOOLD. OOOOLD. LIKE HIIIIM. I just wanted to talk about wrinkles. WRINKLESSS~~~ ♥
and when i thought old i thought mothers. then i thought auge. then i thought about how jester will no longer have to tell polt he thinks her mum is hot. or maybe if he thinks it he'll get shot down by a meteor. ladeedee ♥ *giggles*Thankies muchly Mimiiii, I hope you're well, tee hee~! :3 *squishies*
edit: aaand poltness is done, too :3 awesooome! ♥
Hmm, Joro's run in with him a
If you wish you may add
What is she for Jester, well, that I leave up to you. And Jester is for her right now probably the only deer in the Forest (except some inquiring and cunning fawns, of course), who can understand the wacky games she loves to play.
You may put little Poppyseed
Here's her Bio and Picto
And a little desester for Jester. loves bouncing on him and making him look puffy and also a statue for her to make. (Jester doesen't realize it wahahaha)
Mhhh... I know that we've
I know that we've never met in-forest which I blame my old, sucking laptop for... But I am almost entirely sure that my Flyra djangoo eh eh pictoo eh eh (/waka waka) and your lovely Jester would get along very well. ♥ I'm also sure that one day, they will have the chance to figure it out by themselves, when I finally get a new laptop!
Because he wants it so badly,
@ fofoness: WEEEW A JOROOO~~
@ vee-bum: wai hai thar~ ♥ going to have WAY too much fun writing this one *giggles*
@ pk: yes, i'm calling you pk, after the gum. WRIGGLEEEYS~~~~! *ahem* buuut yes, yeeey a foxbrooow! i love her picto both glitched and non-glitched, it's so crazy-awesome ♥ and wowzah, that's awesome to hear! haha! i love it! ♥ she does play such a whacky game, and he does enjoy it so much-he loves the fact that she always plays along in the performance yet shows initiative, and he totally adores her company ♥ sososooo, will add foxy right now, tee hee~! :3 thankies muchly, pk~!
@ tanness: teehee, little poppyseed that isn't so little, i love eeet~! ♥ ahaha jester would totally adore being a statue, he'd get admired all the time
@ flyfin: old sucky laptop is so hurt by your words! *giggles* but yanno, it will live, plus despite all the botox and wrinkle cream, it totally can't deny it is old ♥ but zomgooosh and i am totally sure my jester would adore flyness, too! they're like, butterfly buddies ♥ and now you've got me thinking about pacman. WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WREW WREW WREW WREW BLIP BLIP *terrible pacman dying sound COMPLETE ♥*
ooooh laaawd, i can't wait for that day-playing about with you in-forest would be so much like like, seriously~!
@ mimimuffin: oh heavens YES ♥ ahaha I WILL HAVE WAY TOO MUCH FUN WITH THIS ONE, wai thankyew mimi! *giggles* tee hee hee, i shall do you proud, ma'am *salutes* ♥
Hah. That's funny. In fact
The real reason is a 'secret' i haven't revealed yet. But you already have a clue to it...
And if you like to you could
Her Picto and her Bio
Jester's mostly like some laughing joker buddy for her as well as a playing fighting buddy as well since in game they both have the same antlers xD and also to her he's like a little training buddy, and a new friend as well.
haha now that the two just
... i think it 's indeed that Jack actually kinda likes Jester....
in the... "I like you, I kill you last" - way ''|DD
kaoori's a bit of an
Tee hee, added you
Also Alice? epic manlove was epic *giggles* thankies for the wonderful time, and I also just noticed that Jester is on Jack's bio-how awesome, thankyew so much~! ♥ I adore their dynamic, it's just waaay too much fun-you summarised it perfectly in jack's bio, i hope i did okay with this too!
Pk? I WANT MOAR CLUEEEES *grabby hands* D: Now you've got me all curious, it's like when someone tells me they have a surprise present or something that i can't have for a few weeks, i'l basically explode if i don't get more clues *giggles* ♥
taaaan, i hope i got the dynamic right! you too, kaoori! i think i summarised them okay, though with poppyseed's i did a bit of assuming, so i hope it's okies-let me know if you want it changed, tanny! ♥ and of course, mimi-auge. just, auge ♥ stacy's mum is in my head now and it's making me giggle like mad~~
also, added imp, seeing as imp is currently missing in action, yet not missing in action, if that makes sense ♥ plus, because imp and jester are imp and jester. it had to be here somewhere, of course :3 haven't done flyra's yet, as jester and flyfly haven't yet met, buuut butterfly buddies with doubtlessly get along splendidly, so i'll see what i can cook up a bit later :3
thankyew so VERY much to you all again, and hope you're all well, tee hee~! ♥ what you put of
*giggles* wai thankyew fofo,
hah oh yes you did xD hm i
hm i have to change the text for jester on his bio the next days... whe i am not too lazy... hehe
Zeb that is amazing and you
*poppyseed jumps around Jester*
@ Alicey: Aaaw, tee hee, then
Eee, I can't wait to see what you come up with~!
@ tanny: zomgosh, WEEEEW ♥ that's fabulous news, I'm so glad I got it accurate! thankies muchly, tanny! :3 that's awesome!
*jester totally prances about his 'little' friend ♥*
pffff, my post was lonely and
Eeeee~ I believe my little
I believe my little doe, Tamari, met Jester the other day.
She was the little hyper mini deer with the DotD pelt, butterfly antlers and real deer mask c:
Jester is full of epic win ~<3
Hope you haven't exploded
What about this one:
"What you know but others don't? Clue hides in secrets..."
it's so sad! i changed
You could put my Whispy up
Gawd i forgot to be here
wanna add Kat to the Friendlist??
i accept your request!
waah~crying at your shoulder~
don´t forget meh TwT
Just follow me!
Kiki's bio, picto, and this
:3 !!!~~<3
Signature by Roo ♥