+ manipulation + entertaining + teasing + chaos + originality + deliciously juicy secrets (about others, of course~) + slightly lewd bodily actions/positions + banter + theatrics + extravagant objects (flowers, things that shouldn’t be there but are, etc) + airsitting + rhyming couplets + the deermuda triangle + fawns + chasing critters + those who over-react to his taunts + dancing (especially dances involving flipping/somersaulting) + costumes | boredom -
simplicity - normality - unappreciative audiences - those who approach him and say ‘why so serious?’ - |
"those who approach him and
And now I just have to find him and have one of my deer say that.
I like this guy. :3
Aaaand, welcome.
Yay~! Welcome to the
Ahhh I love Jester, I love his bio! He'll be a fun guy to hang out with I bet! ;D
I'll have to hang with you
Tracked, because I like this character lots :3
ocean: *Giggles* And I just
Aaaw thankies so much, I'm glad you like him! I assure you he's thrilled-I'll hafta check out your deer too! And thankies so much-wonderful to be here! Hope to see you around~! *hearts;
Verycrazygirl: Eeee, yeeeey~!
Aaaw thankies so much, you know how much I worked on it ;D It was kinda fun in the end when it all just fell into place, tee hee! Can't wait to have him prance about Virgil-huzzah for buttnuzzles! ♥
<333333333333333333~~! :3
Crimsongale: Oh my gosh, I
Aaaw yey, thankies so very much, eee~! I'm so glad you like him! I shall have to check out your eight deer, too~! Thankies so much again, and wonderful to meet you, I'm Zebbie! :3 Hope to see you around, tee hee!
Hehe! There's plenty of ways
I just know The Priest wouldn't care to much for Jester. xDD
*holds out hand*
Ocean. I use way too many smileys.
Pff. I also use too many emotes.
My deer are around quite a bit, so you're bound to meet one. |3
I'm glad you like it here!
I already like him. c:
An all too familiar deer called out, laying between the trees a short distance away. His ever sensitive ears could pick up the sound of hooves on decaying leaves from quite a good distance, and so he already knew someone was close.
But it was only after the eyes granted the stag an identity Virgil called out.
"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, friend."
He seems interesting too.
@ ocean: Oh my gosh it's been
annoyenrich, tee hee!*holds out belated hand too and shakes* I think we just love our smileys and emotes. This is the start of a beautiful friendship tee hee! ;D Especially now I know how the track function works *feels stupie*
Thankies so much again for your lovely comment, I'm going to explore your bios nooow, and like, so sorry again for the late mixup and everything-I really appreciate you commenting and you seem so lovely and nice, and I hope to see you around sometime in the future soon, tee hee~! ♥
@ Hetrin: The same with ocean goes for you-I'm so sorry for not realizing I had comments from you, thankies so very much for posting, and I'm so glad you like him already, tee hee! I'll have to go stalk some of your stuff now too, eee! ♥
@ VCG: I still owes you roleplaaaay zomgosh we should do that soon :3 IMMA LEARNING
@ Rouda WHO I STILL HAVE TO EAT FOR BEING SNEAKY: Thankies so much for tracking, eeee~! And like oh my gosh still have to reply to our other comment thread still apologies for the lag on that one, but I realized today IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY THE OTHER DAY. I saw it on the birthday club thing and so I give you HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHESSSS :D Happy Birthday Roudie-I hope you had an epicsauce day, tee hee~! ♥ *blows party whistle*
@ Snaily: Eeee, I is stalked! :3 Thankies so very much Snaaail!
@ tanyak: Ooohoohoooh thankies so much for trackiiing Tan~!
@ MonochromaticLove: Eeee, thankies bunchesssss for the track Monoooo~! ♥
FF. I missed this.
*replies now*
His bio's waaaay back in my posts. xD If you'd really like to find it [it's old and ugly. D:], you can click the little text link in my signature and scroll down to "the others". ^^ His bio's linked there. x3
I didn't know people were saying awesome things about him. xDD He doesn't have many fans.
...Yes. Because the Priest also has a fiery temper, which he is working on controlling. xDDD If Jester does find & annoy him, I'll be laughing my head off behind the screen, I'm sure. xD
It became a habit. |D *throws some flowers* Yay! ^^
Don't worry, plenty of people can't figure it out. xD
Good luck wading through those old things. |D You seem quite nice as well. ^^ Good to have you here!
I want to meet Jester eventually too! He + some of my characters would equal some...interesting results. xDD
Poppyseed changed her
Hello ! Amika played with
Amika played with you, today, Jesper is a very nice deer !
Thank you ^^
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
This character is LOVE
Tracking (can't think up
(can't think up anything better to say)
The pictogram looks familiar,
He seems like a fun character. :3
Thankies for the directions ocean-will totally do that right now, tee hee~! Yeeey! And *giggles* hay, just because he doesn't have many fans, doesn't mean he's not totally awesome-I've heard he's quite the character in quite a few places! So now you know :3 *Giggles* Oh my gosh yes, Jester loves the fiesty ones the most ♥ I will be giggling myself silly behind my computer screen too, it would be a meeting of epic proportions, with much happy cackling accompanied by possible maulage to some degree. We so must do it one day, tee hee~! XD
The best habit evaaah ♥ *THROWS FLOWERS WITH AND HULAS*
And hey, it makes me feel better about my lack of track competence, wai thankyew ;D ♥
I love little hearts ♥
But eee why thankies, I shall have much fun with my wading now, and aaw, thankies so much, truly~! I'm so glad! Good to be here, and to have you here too, tee hee~!
Zomgosh they so would ♥ Honestly we should totally allow Jester and some of your characters to meet sometime. Epicness would be overwhelming fabulous~! ♥ Thankies again ocean for being awesome, eeee~! :3
@ tanyak: Eeee, cuuuute~! :3 I haven't seen Poppyseed in so long-I must go and check up on her now, her and Jester totally need to catch up sometime~! Thankies so much for letting me know about her new picto, I'll watch out for it, and I hope you're doing well~!
@ Solaya: adofiad I've already told you how gorgeous that edit is, but I shall say it again-IT. IS. GORGEEEEEOUS Lovelovelove ♥ Thankies so much again for that wonderful edit! Amika is an absolute doll too, she's looovely, I'm so glad that you like Jester, and thankies so very much for the track again! :3 Hope to see you around sometime soon!
@ Custard: asdoifu EEEE :D You are LOVE ♥ Thankies so very muchly Custard, I'm so glad you like hiiim! Sooo hafta go check out your deer now, it's stalkray time~~ :3 Thankies so much again for the track and the lovely compliment, eeee~! ♥
@ PLK217: Naaaw, thankies so much for the track, eee~! Tee hee hee, yey for brain blocks~!
@ nuevapaz: *Giggles* Obviously his picto is totally haunting you~! I don't believe I've met any of your deer, though I do know of both Amary and Oisin. I think I might have seen Amary one time and had Jester come and say hai briefly recently when Jester was playing with Null and Noodle, so that might have been it...? Either way, thankies so much, I'm so glad you think he's fuuuuun eee~! Thankies muchly for the track, and hope to see you around soon! :3 *is overdue at following your deer and must do so ♥*
@ silentlikethat: WHOOAMYGOSH I thought I recognized your icon, JETTEEEEM yeeey I believe Jester played with her once briefly, I remember because her set was very unique and lovely, and she seemed like a fun deer Sooo going to stalk her now ♥
...*Ahem* because that wasn't random of me at all. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. IssoflatteredandfluffyandhappythankiesSOMUUUUCHforthetrackandzomgoshthatwouldbetotallyepicandwouldbesuchanawesomesurprisenowi'mgoingtobeallonedgetryingtocatchyouandyourninjaskillzinaction. It is so very hard to type like that *giggles* But truly holy gosh, that is so fabulous-I'm so glad you feel inspired and it would be a fabulous honour to receive something from you and I would totally spoil you back AAAAAAND *explodes* YEEEEY TRACKAGE Thankies so muuuuch, and I hope you see you around sometime soon, tee hee~!
...♥ :3
Tell me again why I'm not
Tell me again why you're so
I really don't remember. I'm
I thought I was already
This is old, but, I have a feeling you might like it because it involves both pokemon and Virgil humiliation~
@ nuevapaz: Oooh fair enough
@ Daggydoodle: LIKE WHITE OUT, BUT BETTER EEE THANKIES SO MUCH FOR ZE TRACK DAGSTEEEER. I believe I'm tracking Dag's bio but I shall go and do that anyway now just to make sure. NOTHING WILL ESCAPE MAH TRACKLAZOR~ ♥
asdofu *DIES*. Lottie showed me this ages ago, but I sadly was having trouble with the comm site at the time and couldn't comment on most entries so I didn't leave my huge piles of appreciation D: It made me die quite a lot of giggling. And now I can't stop looking and giggling at it again. My dog actually looked at me really strangely just then because I snorted. THE MUSIC MAKES IT SO MUCH FUNNIER OH MY GOSH. Ah Pokemon and Mr Virgyman humiliation, all the makings of excellence ♥ Thankyew so much for linking this to me, you know me faaar too well already! *giggles*
Ohohoh btw, how was your epic trip the other day with our resident Vee? I sadly didn't get to catch her before she left because of my busybusy weekendtiems and stupid timezones being stupid, I hope you guize had fuuuun~! :D
O....O Actually, Imp and
Makes me wonder the outcome of such a pairing. -ponders-
On another note, this is your
stalktrack of epic loving! I love his concept and design. I am now thoroughly excited to use him in my project if you are sure you want to. X3LOL Daggydoodle, I like that
And you can read all about our little visit in the blog Vee made!
@ Impy: *Giggles* They truly
Oh my gosh, me too! Great now look what you've gone and done, started making me think about it ♥ You do know that we totally have to get them to meet now, hur hur hur >:3
Yeeeey I gets a stalktrack of epic loooove~! :3 Eeee! Thankies very much Imp~! *luffs on you* And daaaw, I'm so glad you like his design and concept, that's really wonderful to hear and aodfaodu eeeee I can't wait to see him included, it's going to be so epic to see what you do~! If you need any help or whathaveyou, just say and I'll do what I can btw, but as I'm not entirely sure what you're up to I don't know if it's the kind of thing I can really offer help with buuuut either way, the offer is there if you need iiiit :3 Zomgosh I am totally sure, it would be such an awesome priveledge for meeee. Thankies so very much for wanting to include him, me so excited eeee~! ♥
Aaand yes I'm a dork who uses too many emotes and talks too much, tee hee ♥
@Daggydiddums: Tee hee hee, glad you like it~! I do so enjoy making nicknames, and 'Dag' is such a nifty name to make into assorted titles, eeee~! :3 I has found a new hobby methinks!
Oooh HOW ON EARTH DID I MISS THAT POST D: Zomgosh I fail, I even LOOKED for a post coz I knew there was going to be one and I STILL missed it. Time for muchly overdue spamming of luff and exploring, from what I've seen so far though, looks like you two had an epic time-so wonderful to see, I knew you guize would have a fabulous day, eeee~! Thankies for the linkiiie! ♥
Ah, here we are!
Eeee, yes~! That's the one!
Thankies for ze share, and I enjoy the fact that every second deer is devouted too, tee hee~!
lmao That's the exact picture
lmao yes epic love because Jester deserves epic love! -luffed on- I'm just now worried I'll do him wrong. >8| I'll have to practice and maybe do fanarts first 8D Well, it's a 800x1000 image of screenshots of specific motions and then below those screenshots (in order) I'll be drawing what it'd look like in Impy's real form (not forest form). Because he nuzzles and tilts his head and I dont want others to think he's nuzzling them or some flirtatious doe (Tally's words) when really he's using his 'feelers' to feel others.
PFFTTT! I see no dorkiness here! 8D lmao you have me excited to see more comments from you! They're all so lively and wonnndeerrrfuuulll! -flies away- XD
*Giggles* I loves it!
aodfu naaaw, waaai thankyew Impyyyy, truly~! Imp deserves so much epic love too homg *luffleluffleluffle* I don't think I've been this excited to have Jester meet a character before, it's so awesome-and makes me sound kinda creepy, but OH WELL :3 But pffft I'm sure you'd never do him wrong-I don't even know if theres a right way to do Jester (which sounds oddly sexual when I type it like that ), I actually haven't fully figured out his pelt design yet, so he's very much an artistic license character coz I love seeing what people come up with :3 YEEEY FANAAARTS, I so owe you some when my scanner works again ♥ But oooh that would be it-that's a really awesome idea, it's going to be so interesting to look at! Can't wait! I love that idea, eee, as well as Tally's definition of what that might look like But *giggles* oh gosh tentacle feelers, I likes it a lot, in all it's adorable creepiness. Pfft, and you say Imp isn't unique ♥
Then clearly good sir your dorkradar doth not be working properly~! *giggles* Oh my gooosh oiuadsfou there goes my head, full of fluffy egoness, well done you ruptured it with awesome ♥ Thankyou so muuuch oh my gooosh~~~~ *LE POUNCE* ♥ Tee hee you totally have me looking forward to yours too, your comments are so fun and interesting and bouncyfabulous aaand wonderful to respond to, and aoidufad I'm so glad I come off that way, I have way too much fun with my comments I swear! Thankies so much again like, honestly-you made my day ♥
*drives off into the distance, CANYONEERROOOO *whip* WHOA CANYONERO WHOA~*
Tweaked his bio a bit as
I think if you're a whizz
Tee hee :3 Aaaw, wai thankyew
Btwwww, what happened to Impy's bio? Tis a mystery, dun dun daaaaaa~~~~ ♥
Still hafta make a screenie dump from the other night ♥
... ♥♥♥
That is just... Homgosh Lottiekins, thankyou SO VERY much, honestly! ♥ This is gorgeous, totally perfect and displays him so well, the pose the colours, and your fabulous art style-thankies sososooo much, totally running to put this in my siggy now, that is absolutely wonderful and aodiufaodu you are so awesome ♥
I can't thank you enough and I totally can't wait to prance about the comm site with this fabulous siggy lighting up my posts :D EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *explodes*
...I'm normal :3
Sexy revamp is sexy.
Yeeep you ninja'd me ♥
I thiiink I've now worked out
Thankies for being wonderful guiiize, homg I have so many comments to catch up on after I've successfully learnt differentiation. Which hopefully is possible for me to do. Ladeedee *trots off to do so*
Friiha will definitely find
By Leuvr ♥
Whooamygosh, hai Apparanza~!
Eeee, honestly thankies so very muuuch~! ♥ :D I appreciate that so much, I'm glad the bio doesn't look too cluttered and such then and eeee, I'm so glad you like his design~! ♥ You are faaar to wonderful, honestly~! ♥ I hope to see you around sometime sooon, and thankies so much for the track and the lovely comment, tee hee~! :3
Revamp looks lovely! ^^ Still
Still have to meet this guy and ask 'why so serious?' And then run.
@Ookami: Oooh, wai thankyew
@ ocean: Zomgooosh ocean, thankies so very much~! ♥ I'm so glad you like it, I'm glad it doesn't look cluttered and I really apreciate that, eeee~!
*Giggles* Oh goshlygosh yessss, still have to come and irritate all your deeries with Jester's serious face. And let Jester own you with his Joker impersonations as revenge, tee hee~! ♥ I really need to learn your pictos so I can come stalk you sometime, I'm so hopeless with remembering pictos! D: *goes to learn*
The Monarchs - Running
The Belugas - Sitting there, watching.
*GIGGLES* Oooh my gosh IT IS
RIGHT HERE, ON CHANNEL... TEF. Coz I'm totally original, you know it~! :3 Whooa my gosh that was soooo much fun, thankyew for the random hilarious romp, eee~! ♥ Sorry I had to go, I'm about to have dinner, but that was totally epicsauce, the Monarchs shall toootally have to strike again sometime, tee hee~! ♥
PS. Who out of your wonderful lovelies did we have the benefit of messing about with today, btw~? I couldn't place the picto coz I'm hopeless like that *giggles*
Ah, I think you're mistaken.
I was the Beluga Pelt, Skull Mask, Poppy antlered deer sitting on the large rock with Talla =3
I was in as Lacie - myself.