For anyone interested in becoming a member:
I will be posting a blog sometime this week.
Though we are currently inactive, feel free to let me know and you will be added to the list.
The Endless Herd
A community event for all
Current Sets:
We will feature different "themes", or sets, for different occasions. New rules may or may not apply, e.g., real deer behavior.
Herd Meeting Dates:
I will announce when The Herd is active (generally between 1:00 - 6:00 PM EST). Meetings will take place only during the weekends, and there is no end time. Feel free to leave whenever.
Time Zone Converter
If you don't know what zone you're in, Google it and then find your time. When you click "Show Timetable", a list will appear and you'll be able to scroll down and search for the times.
Basic Rules:
- There are no characters in the herd. Therefore:
1) Pictograms are obsolete; you will not be distinguished as the character you play whilst with the herd.
2) There is no favoritism or mates. Remember, when you play, it's all OOC.
- While you are with the herd you must dress accordingly
- Herd appearance will be updated and displayed at the top of the page.
- You are free to leave the herd at any time. All deer who are dressed differently to the herd are assumed to be "in-character".
To leave The Herd permanently, let me know and you will be removed.
Current Leader: None
The Herd is lead by one player, the "Leader".
Role: The Leaders roll is to lead the herd's activities around the forest; wherever the Leader goes, the herd must follow. This will also reduce the confusion and chaos in-game.
Selection: Every member of the herd will get the chance to perform this role via a rotation of members, and the Leader will
choose the next person to take their place after every meeting or so.
Two Pictograms will be supplied and allow players to distinguish between the leader and the rest of the herd. New themes will be equipped prior to herd meetings. Those who do not have the newest version of the game will have to acquire them on their own.
If anyone has a problem, question, or suggestion about the rules, please mention it in a comment below.
Username / Deer name
Please also provide a link to your deer's biography or pictogram.
Total: N/A
1 2 3 4 5
looks great! the poll is a
Oooo.... haha new acount.
Aaaand. Tracking.
Is anyone else having
Welcome to The Herd
Boop -tracksmyself-
Nope, I used to have problems
Trackage =)
This looks cool!
[ J A G E R ]
It was only after the first
I know how to fix it, but it takes quite a lot of zooming.
Welcome to The Herd
-retracking- I'm glad we have
I'm glad we have a system for the leader's fights
Poor Aleit, haha.
Tracking MollyP
What if we had, like, a
All the herd members would dress up as a peacock and continue with their daily activities xDD
Midnight Herd? Nightfall
Nightfall pelt/ trumpet antlers
Albino Herd Fawn
Fawn Herd
*Others noted
Goodnight TEF.
Idea: Small animal
Small animal herd.
(bunnies, crows, doves, etc.)
I like the ideas of the
That could just be me though XD
I noticed when running around
It's so cute (: I still even had one following me yesterday after everyone had gone, it just wouldn't leave my side!
I like it when they do that. 8D
Cool 8D I think ill do some
I think ill do some art for no reason <3
Crimsongale~ Agreed. Deathda
Yes. It must be interesting to new players to see such a herd. (:
That would be really sweet if you did. (:
When you are done I'll happily post it up <3
Welcome to The Herd
Omg -stalks- -connects with
-connects with Sithrim, in secret-
I'll be hiding the game from my mom so ... if Sith' stops for no reason, there you go.
Okay. No problem. Should we
Should we wait up if it happens?
Welcome to The Herd
ffff Forest isn't opening.
Silvamord's going in
There aren't many players
I wonder if we should schedule it later or only plan it for the weekends?...
Welcome to The Herd
Yeah seems my TEF doesn't
Oh well. Maybe we should schedule it, yes, because then everyone could see if they have space in their calendar for it XD
I don't know how I would be
Maybe I can announce when to start depending on how many people are online. (:
Welcome to The Herd
I keep getting tempted, I'm
I feel if I join the herd, I would play in it constantly and never play Yori properly..
But now I see it isn't always busy 8o.
Hmmm. I'm thinking about making a temporary character... but having no bio or anyhting.
I need to get a picto first though and I might make it female...
Hmm not sure. Not even sure if I'm gonna create a new character. 8D I don't like making more of them...
Please add me to the
You're thinking too much
You can join if you want, but that doesn't mean you have to participate in it every time.(:
But yes, it isn't always busy.
This is because I'm still new to planning things for The Herd/ Community and nothing is set-and-stone.
Make a character if you like also, or would you rather borrow one of mine?
The Herd isn't something that lasts all day, anyway.
It lasted for a while the first time, but eventually we go our seperate ways. (:
So there is no way you can play in The Herd constantly like you're thinking. <3
But hey, even if you don't join, we will always have a spot saved for you. <3
I'm so happy to see a new member. <3
Welcome to The Herd
Hmmm... I think I will put
I think I will put Yori back in if that's alright, hope I'm not causing too much trouble for you<3
I'll put him back in, same as before if that's okay :3 Thankyou<3
Deathday / Yori / Male / Adult /
No. You can leave and join as
You can leave and join as many times as you like.
Welcome to The Herd
Edit: Read that wrong
Might be nice for another meet up tonight? Or maybe it could be a weekend and mid-week thing so it's not too frequent?
When I start up The Herd, I
The announcement made will be made on TEH at no particular time.
Some days we will have The Herd, and other days we won't.
It depends how many players are available. (:
Does this make sense and sound okay ?
Ravyn, I'm really sorry to be
I'm actually thinking of creating a female deer deer on this account, meaning with this pictogram.
I still don't even know if I will change my mind again though. If I have this female deer though, I won't be creating any information.
She will simply be just for the herd.
Also, it may get a little confusing since Skuller now has to use this account [due to his account having problems] but I think it'll be okay (:
It will be my account known for unactive or deer who just simply are for something different. In this case, the herd.
Sorry if I end up changing my mind again... I never seem to settle on anything!
Oh, and she has no name. You could make one up if you like (: I don't mind what it is.
Hey! Azzurra my deer will
Username / Deer name/ Gender/ Age/ Biography Link
Deer info:
Deer name: Azzurra
Gender: Doe
Age: An adult
Biography Link:
(I would not play in character, however should I need to adapt the Biography for playing in the Herd?)
User info:
Username: GoldenWolf
Real name: Louise
Gender: Female
Age: 13
So? could she join? please pst your reply in Azzurra's bio if you would be so kind!
Deathday~ Take your time.
Take your time. Really. (:
Heck, you can have both up if you want.
Just tell me who you want me to add / remove.
Added. <3
Welcome to The Herd
Welcome to The Herd
I just wanted to let you guys
Rayvn -> Okay, so we'll just
Ravyn [TEH], Okay, for now
Okay, for now don't bother putting the female up! I'm over with that... I hope for good.
Lol! I'm so fussy and disorganised, thankyou for not getting stressed<3 (:
So it' just Yori up there at the moment, and that's all for now... 8D