Alecsander's blog

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Kita look here!

So I just started up the forest and my laptop just completely blue screened of death and when it tried to reboot it went "oh hey this file is gone or corrupted"

Yeah I don't know when/if I will be able to get on the forest in the near future.
I may have to wipe it and er..yeah this is bad.

Stay tuned, running repair disk.
Alecsander's picture

Read any good books lately?

I'm actually scouting for a new series to start after demolishing the newest discworld book and am willing to take suggestions.

Any genre though I prefer science fiction/fantasy.

It'd take me forever to name every series I already have read/am reading so if you name one I've already plowed through I'll give mention of that fact AND probably try to talk to you about it. x)

Not too many of my friends read the same books I do so it's refreshing to play 'book club' with the community and rant/rave about happenings.

I'll happily give suggestions if asked also.

I just want to talk about books. x)

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doodle durr [Alec/Kita] [Image heavy!]

Today we learned why Alec should never be asked to draw and how hilariously funny things can get when kita and I start doodling on MSN.

This is what happened:

The one that started it all...

Kita and Almos

Alec retorts with another masterpiece.

a clear winner emerges

Deer stick people

Alec can draw a damn good snake.

a collaboration.

Furfur doesn't like crows:

but it's okay. Rhys will fat on them.

Alec's masterpiece:

The doodle durrr

I is talented. :B
Not really but it was better than taking law notes.

To be continued..maybe sometime later if Kita and I get really bored.

Alecsander's picture

So indecisive...

It's 5 minutes before I leave for classes today and I've hit a wall in my writing. I have 3-5 stories I could potentially start on when I get home but I'm unsure as to what to start and figured I'd see what the community had preference for:

I. A diary of Furfur and his love life situation
II. Bring Finata in and do a diary
III. Finish part 1 of Almos' background story
IV: Finn's hunt for one of Queze's feathers
V. A different Dhina observation story
VI. Start Rhys' "stories from the ringleader" series.

Also I suppose you could choose:

None of the above try your hand at bad poetry again
Make my deer a plushie
Write about my character.

/is up for just about anything.

Anyway I'll check this back around 4 pm EST latest.
Excuse spelling mistakes i'm in a rush.

Alecsander's picture

In A Moment [Dhina Observation 4]

How peculiar.
Not its appearance.
No, that was mundane.
but its appearance here.
so similar to myself yet so far.
More observation was necessary.

Alecsander's picture

Álmos; New Plushie

Not much to be said.
Not sure what deer I am making next.

Alecsander's picture

Does Anyone have...[Design inquiry]

A tie-dye deer?

I have a bunch of tie-dye felt and figured if I'm making a deer anyway then I could see if anyone has a deer in the community with a tie-dye pelt, eyes, markings,tail, other, etc.

For reference the tie dye is Lime/teal and orange/yellow.

I also have cranberry/brown/tan embossed.
Purple sparkle.
black sparkle.
A bit of blue sparkle.
Sold black/white/pink/3 shades of purple/2 shades of blue/red/orange/tan...well the list goes on.
Anyway if you know of a deer with those markings/design than feel free to drop a link here.

Alecsander's picture

Dragonnade [Finata Diary Day 5] [Violence warning]

I thought I was safe with her...
Kalpita. My protector. My only friend. She drove away the bad deer and was always by my side. I thought she could stop anything. Then again...I also thought the forest was a nice place. We set out that day for another one of our little games. Our favorite game was spell tag. It was a very simple game. I would get spell, then we would rush over and spell another deer and invite them to get us back. It was good fun and usually deer were welcome to it and would laugh at our childish antics. Cute little fawns and their fawn games. We approached the largest group that day and I was giddy with excitement. This was going to be fun! Soon it became apparent that these deer were not fun.

I also thought the forest was a nice place...
but I, for the first time, discovered deer that were not nice. They were mean in fact. They were bad deer. I'd met what I thought were bad deer. The ones with big scary faces or the ones at the bottom of the pond. They never did what these deer did. These deer tried to kill me.
Alecsander's picture

Below His Belly [Dhina Observation 3]

“The forest can be dull at times.
No wind to move the trees.
No fights for entertainment.
Relentless doldrums of monotony.
During these times I choose to make my own entertainment.
Well there is a story to tell.”

Alecsander's picture

Mundus vult decipi

What were you expecting?
Some snowy grin man sitting down to morosely ramble about his love life?
Did I fool you or what?
Oh? Surprised to see me addressing you instead of your furry avatar?
Don't think I don't know all about computers.
I use to own one in fact. No cocky encounters with football sized does nor misshapen poetry to be found here. No little lost fawns babbling about how much fun he hand in the forest.
I too have a story to tell...
That is if my reluctant audience is not bitter about my trickery.
Have a seat and maybe I'll tell you of the White Man, of the Knife thrower, or even the Ringmaster."

Rhys laid down in the grass and stared intently towards the sky.
He knew they were out there.
Would they hear the story of a lonely muse, or concern themselves with the games of the forest? The He could share no stories of such a place.
The world he came from was far more..familiar to them.

mundus vult decipi means "The world wants to be deceived."
A short introduction piece since it's too late for me to stay awake and properly write.
Rhys will be imparting a series of 'alternate reality' short stories.
I am not sure how many will be posted to the site.
Pretty much depends on whether there is interest or not.
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