In A Moment [Dhina Observation 4]

Alecsander's picture
How peculiar.
Not its appearance.
No, that was mundane.
but its appearance here.
so similar to myself yet so far.
More observation was necessary.

I first saw the being with my children.
Not at the same time, no, but separate.
They would prefer it that way.
First I thought the creature a fool.
My Basil would rear, attack, and strike the creature yet it stayed by his side.
It was pathetic.
Like a dog coming back to an abusive master begging for scraps.
What could be gained from trying to befriend the little antagonist?
Yet the forced kindness and affection continued.
I vaguely wondered whether the being shared
my sick pleasure of causing him discomfort.
Yet there was no out of place chuckle
nor bemused smirk.

Again I saw the being with my other.
It was following the tragic clown.
I thought I can found common ground here.
It had donned the appearance of the child
and was mocking his behavior.
Or so I thought.
They both found humor in the silly display.
More kindness.
It drove me insane!
What is this being’s motive?

What consequences could be in this place?
Was it ignorant due to it’s home?
This place rarely saw death
nor disease
few hardships.
No famines.
Poverty? What was this to a deer?
Yet when this came up
the stag watched.
Seldom collected nor commented.
yet watching.
You could your health on it.

Leaves rustle.
Flower bloom.
And somewhere in the
distance a blue jay
reluctantly raises its head
towards the sky and breaks the silence
with one warbled note.

How many take noticed I wonder?
A proud creature with many points and colours is noticeable.
And yet..
A shape slinking on the edge of reality
a warm body to the side of shivering.
A sympathetic ear to the ground.
Unconcerned with rumors;
and yet, always concerned.
No flashy effects nor glorious appearance.
One day it was there.
One day it will be gone.
And only the absence of a single note
will herald the disappearance
of the archetype of consideration
and patience.

One day I told it that it did not live in reality.
I told it that evil existed in the hearts of all.
That below the surface of every mind
the ugly truth waited for the chance to raise its head.
The second self that even the most
reserved noble doe cannot contain
and the rotting stags flaunt.
I ordered it to tell me what it wanted.
What it expected out of the forest.
it considered all I had said at length.
And in a hush voice replied “I wish you would smile more.
Unless of course you prefer sadness.
Then I wish that you would cry more.”

It then calmly turned its back to me
and left me speechless.

And yet, a universe away one mind
and one soul struggled to dissect
the creation of another.
A realist tried to pin down the creation of a self-defeatist.
And in the grand scheme of existence
one insignificant bond was formed.

The supreme architect brought life to ideas.
The Realist brought pen to page.
Then hand to keys.
And finally story to life.

In that precious moment the realist looked
at what he had done and he
worried as to whether it met the expectations of the self-defeatist.

Yet in another,
the self-defeatist read the words
and wondered whether it had met the expectations of the Realist.

In that brief time Atvana celebrated the undeniable perfection that is the brief moment of hesitation.

And Dhina lamented at having to share a page with a fool whose brilliance she could never comprehend.

Meanwhile hundreds of eyes reluctantly scanned a page feeling as if they had come upon dialog not meant for their minds.

The snow felt.
The clocks ticked.
The earth rotated as the
urgency of time moved the human race forward.

A Realist lifted up his hand and stared at the graphite
with reluctance of whether to wash it away
or celebrate its inevitable appearance.
And suddenly
She runs out of things to say.

To a Self-Defeatist
From a Realist.

God, these posts are so

God, these posts are so amazing.
Alecsander's picture

Thank you for the

Thank you for the encouragement Terabetha. Smiling

I've been trying to write about Atvana for two months or so and I think I finally "got it".
Ephra's picture

I am humbled reading this.

I am humbled reading this. It's a wonderful piece, and worth the time it took you to write it. Laughing out loud
Alecsander's picture

Thank you Ephra, I appreciate

Thank you Ephra, I appreciate the comment.
Sometimes I do some weird deep thinking at the most inappropriate times and things like this come out.

I wanted to go small scale but I had no idea I was going to write about seconds when I set out until I had finished.
ocean's picture

"Leaves rustle. Flower

"Leaves rustle.
Flower bloom.
And somewhere in the
distance a blue jay
reluctantly raises its head
towards the sky and breaks the silence
with one warbled note. "

...That was beautiful.
I think this is one of your best.
The flow of it is very nice...well, so's the whole thing! Laughing out loud
Kaoori's picture

I agree with Tera and Ocean

I agree with Tera and Ocean here. Smiling
Alecsander's picture

Algebra class. It'll bore

Algebra class.
It'll bore you to prose.

I should not pay attention in class more often.
Serenai's picture

(No subject)


So much to say, but what words could express it?

Ah, so frustrating, but still a broad smile on my face. This is joy, bliss.

A slow blink, and an endless, unyielding smile. Kind like a mother, a father. Loving like a friend. Eyes scan the page, and the unyielding smile broadens. A beautiful interpretation. A beautiful mind.

It couldn't be more proud.
Icon Art © Beloved
Rakkaus's picture

Very well written, beautiful!

Very well written, beautiful! *nuzzles* <3 <3 <3
Serenai's picture

Just noting that this is

Just noting that this is saved away forever and I think I've read it four times so far. < <

Icon Art © Beloved