Alecsander's blog

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Feeding the Flames [A Poem for the Community]

Read Left to right, top to bottom.
phrases wrap around.
Done in Microsoft Word.
I was inspired after watching routine broadcast burning up north.

Not particularly written about one deer but I had a few in mind when I was writing the rough drafts at 3 am.

You can probably picture one now. The 'loose cannon', the 'misunderstood rebel', 'the timid doe', the 'tragic past' or merely the 'lonely antagonist' whose minor infractions or 'strange behaviors' can lead to uncontrollable chaos and fan the flames of inspiration for the community. Negative or positive they surely make an impact.

Happiness and calm is fine and dandy, but where would be the diary entries, the poems, the pictures, the passion, the camaraderie without the occasional wild card to stir things up for a short while?

I attempted to convey it all with the simple image of a flickering flame run amok.
When contained they stimulate new growth and rejuvenate the dormant.
Carelessness, however, can lead to long lasting wounds that spread beyond any one person could imagine.

I was also thinking of the forgotten at the end part.
Those characters that had, or did not ever get, their 15 minutes of fame.
The deer whose players were so passionately infatuated with but soon became depressing or tiresome to play.
And, like the flames, their enthusiasm smoldered until they lay forgotten and dormant.

I figure I failed quite badly at capturing all that was reeling in my head so I just wrote it out; it is, however, still a nice sounding little poem about fire.

So I decided to suck it up and post it anyway.
And yes, it does not rhyme. Smiling
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Our Herd in sims 2 (Image Heavy!)

So Picto and I got incredibly bored and decided to create sim versions of our deer.

A bit strapped for time I just used the in game snapshot to take a picture of them for this first post. I'll do a better job with close ups and such later if anyone seems interested.

Furfur and Dhina chatting on the couch.

Here is Pictodeer's deer Picto.
(that sounds so funny typing! Sticking out tongue )

Here is Pictodeer's deer Fina

I have no idea what is going on behind Picto. Apparently there was something interesting there.

Basil and Furfur prefer to settle their differences in games of wit at the moment. Picto, however, would rather distract Basil with small talk about hats.

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Lady Gaga vs Christopher Walken (definitely not TEF related)

Christopher walken performed poker face as a joke on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross.
Somehow I feel it improves the song.

I figure if you missed it before you can see it now. Smiling
Alecsander's picture

Google your deer!

One of the old fun games. Google Image Search your deer's name and post the first safe for work PG-13 image that pops up.

It's as simple as that and funny to see what comes up sometimes.

The above is Furfur's.

The below is Finata's.

And finally..Dhina's:

Laughing so hard right now.

Your turn!
Alecsander's picture

Mask help? :) -got it thanks! :D

So I dug out my mini-deer spelldata for Dhina and just need to get her set on it.

Just the mask. It was originally antlers also but a deer just hit her with them. Smiling
Dhina is the tall deer btw. She needs the real deer mask.

She'll be walking around the forest with this pictogram.

If you want to pop in and help or just happen to see this while you're running windows mode i'd be obliged if a spell gets thrown her way.

Thanks other mini deer and tall naked deer. Smiling
Alecsander's picture

Gotta Catch 'em All! Papercraft! (non TEF related/LOTS OF IMAGES)

A wild Vulpix Appeared!

Gooo Lapras!

The wild Vulpix is called for backup!

Come back Lapras!


The wild trio is angry..the wild angry uses Frostsaber!

It's not very effective!

Porygon- Use OBJECTION!

BOOM! it's super effective!

The wild trio uses brush techniques!


Porygon- Use discworld!

The wild trio is confused!

It hurts itself in it's confusion.

Porygon! Use Beat up!
The rest of my collection's attack:

The angry trio has fainted!
You win 10 forest nuzzles.

these are old pictures. My collection is much smaller/different now since most of these have been given away by now but I don't have recent pics. It's mostly plushies now like so:

(still missing antlers, havn't figured out how to make them yet)

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You people have no taste! (Rant/image heavy)

No not You people silly pants.

Users on another site that has a gallery feature. You see, I make papercraft.
Well I decided to post my papercraft there to get input.

My input?

a 1 page tiny paper model of Light I made is rated 5 stars.
Why does this piss me off?
Because it's sitting in the gallery with a 20 page chinese phoenix model that took me 6 months to complete.

And this little blocky piece of crap is rated higher.
I just don't get it TEF. :/

Here are pictures of my phoenix:

(Yes, those are individual feathers)


This piece of crap. D:<

If anyone cares to see more just ask. I mostly have been making pokemon-related stuff so I didn't think anyone would be interested. xD
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sometimes I wish...

I had the talent of drawing so I could be more included in the community.

Everything is all drawdrawdrawdraw omg that drawing is so good i can't believe you did that, ooh i like how you did the horns, wow that looks just like him, i love how you draw faces, here's the other part of the art trade, thanks i love it! look I edited a screenshot to look like me deer! wow I made a peacock into my deer! lol that's so cool! Heres the art for the contest! Sorry I was late with my drawing for the art attack! Let's do an art swap where everyone who can draw draws the person above them's deer YAAAY! HEY I'M NEW AND I DREW A PIC OF MY FUTURE DEER! OMG SO CUTE I LOVE NEW MEMBERS NICE ART! etc.etc.

and Then there is those of us who can't draw going:

"Um..I wrote a poem"
'hey i like how you used this rhyme'.

"I took a funny screenshot!"
'yeah..that's kinda funny'.

"My deer did this today".
-insert comments only from people who saw that deer or friends of poster-

"Who wants to join my role-play? :D"
'-same 2-10 people express a little interest every time'- or '-completely ignored-'

or worse:
"Hey I worked really hard on this bio for my deer and they have a really deep background story I hope everyone will enjoy reading~!"
'OMG WHY IS THIS DEER ACTING WEIRD!? -posts screenshot of above member's deer'
"well its in their story, if you read they sometimes talk to flo-"
"Yeah. it does stuff like that all the time. You can read more in its bio/dia-"
'Oh. -can't be buggered-'

-about a week later-
"Um..yeah that's still my deer. If you rea-"
"OH OKAY! -ignores again-"

More love for non-artist members please?

We have many wonderful writers, poets, screen shot takers, musicians, sewers,role players,just plain damn nice members etc. who do not seem to get the pat on the back as much as their artsy companions.

Hug a writer. Pat the back of a poet.
Alecsander's picture

Missed your chance for now :p

Get in the forest and spam masks/ pelts on the crying idol/dotd deer dancing on the bridge! Sticking out tongue

(no antlers please I'm trying to pass the candles off to another community member but we're having technical difficulties. )

Feel free to dress him up however you want Sticking out tongue
Felling pretty? go for some peacock and argus!
goofy? let's see a big long face mask!

Don't like his pelt? make it festive! D:<

Alecsander's picture

Timid Deer -headdesk-/non-related spell note

One of the things I never understood about people who make 'timid' deer:

If they're so fearful, why do players have them run up to deer/groups then cower away?
Wouldn't it make more sense for that character to not hang around or approach in the first place?

A butterfly pelted doe with no pictogram (i think my game was glitching) kept doing that to me when I was in the forest this morning and it got really old really fast. Yeah, You're timid, I get it. That's why I'm trying to walk my deer really far away from yours and not bother it.

But following Furfur and cowering repeatedly is not going to make him suddenly get warm fuzzies and comfort said deer. Frankly its only going to annoy me considering it makes the other deer in the forest think he was fighting/attacking/abusing/harassing this deer when it's actually nearly the opposite case.

Then again I never understood a 'timid'/overly fearful character in the first place. How can it be fun to purposefully distance yourself from everyone in the forest and just button mask the 'fear'/'sad' emotes when anyone looks at you?

I can understand on site it'd make for an interesting character to write about, but in forest it's like "excuse me, WTF are you doing? what are you afraid of me? what'd I do? um, alright i'm walking away. why are you following me? i thought I scared you? What is your problem? argh go away!"

On a completely unrelated note:

If I am on Dhina feel free to hit her with all kinds of transformation magic. I'm looking for the mini-deer spell but not actually persistent enough to sit down with someone and get spammed. If you need someone to hit with a frog spell then aim for her. I won't sneeze it off and will just run around as whatever animal she becomes for that visit.

Pelt spells are fine too. She has, as far as I know, every pelt spell on right now but it doesn't hurt to have more just in case. Smiling

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