Zylix Bio

info under the cut :3

-General Info-
Name: Zylix
Nicknames: Zy, Sugar-Plum (That's from Alabaster >u>), Poppy
Gender: Female/Doe
Appearance: Creamy with a red stripe, and red antlers with poppies and Magpie mask- Basically, Lucifer with poppies. (Alternative: Brown mottle pelt with brown Antlers and a Magpie mask)
Personality: As a fawn, she was very curious and playful, as well as friendly and explorational. These attributes stayed with Zylix until adulthood, but now they're more relaxed and calm, though she doesn't mind a good romp every now and then.
Mate: None (She wants one, though)
Fawn(s): None :I
Other (Adopted, step-sibling, ect): None
-Favorite Spots/Spots you can find her most in-
-The Playground
-In the Pond (The shallows exclusively)
-In the tall grass in the Birch Forest
-In the Cage in the Graveyard



I gotz a track. You, sir, get

Shocked I gotz a track. You, sir, get a Cookie Medal. *Gives cookie medal*
Someone in the world loves you more than you could ever truly imagine.

track 8P btw you should put

track 8P

btw you should put link to her picto so people can regiznice her in game

is this it?

I can't get her picto. It

I can't get her picto. It comes up as a white box for me. I'm not sure why :I And plus, I can't post pics anyways. They come up as blank boxes, too.
Someone in the world loves you more than you could ever truly imagine.