Moss mentioned once, that Ziros shouldn't lay down next to hills, otherwise, he could find Nine laying in his antlers. Well... what if someone else would find it comfortable up there... like... Signet?
I think everyone would be kinda freaked out, having him in their antlers. Will color it eventually, sorry if he doesn't totally match the concept, made it as I was in school. (Naughty me, should be paying attention in class)
I love Chibi-style...
skjsndfsk ksj ohjesus, that
The only things missing are his spindly bone-legs and his mane. :'D It's still awesome, though. XDD
Signet: *happy gutter* ... <3
Chibi style for the win =3
8DDD Oh my goodness~!!! Your
Oh my goodness~!!! Your chibi style is ADORABLE~!!! *do want* I think I sucketh at chibi ;-; All mine end up being too realistic xD
But this looks great 8D
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By Leuvr ♥