Yet another friendly stranger ;)

Quil's picture
I know this must be run-of-the mill for the other fawns when they enter the game, but I'm always taken aback at how nice the Deer in the Endless Forest are. I got on a few minutes ago hoping to have some fun but I couldn't find anyone to play with. Out of the blue, an older stag approaches me and we play for a bit, but then a white stag with black and red markings comes along and we play a very interesting game of tag xD (at least to me it was). He/She was very fun and I followed Him/Her around for a while, he/she put a few spells on me and I could understand when I needed to wait, or to follow... man I'm just loving this game.

Perhaps is the absence of chat that wards away all the trolls and leaves this place a pleasant little paradise for the ones who come to simply 'play'?

Your story sounds sweet!

Your story sounds sweet! Laughing out loud I'm glad you are having fun in the forest! Laughing out loud

If you want to know who a deer could be, you can take a screencap. Press "ctrl+p" to take one. Go to your "The Endless Forest 3" folder, then the "screencaps" folder. When you enter the folder, there will be nothing in there, but above the empty space towards the middle is "Compatability Files". Click on that, and your screencaps will appear. Smiling