Wraithys Endless forest dairy


Wraithy Had met a lot of people as you would.
When he woke up he headed to the ruins, and for roughly half an hour
He stood besides a large grave whilst another young deer had interacted with him.
Being polite he interacted in return sniffing to say hello and playing with the youngling.
At 8:30 {European time} Wraithy had stumbled upon the twin god shrine for the first time.
Where many younglings and Older deer where bowing to the twin gods.
Wraithy had bowed to the shrine before becoming a ghost white, then all of a sudden.
Dancing began, wraithy had not started it it was another youngling most likely older then wraithy.
(Could not tell personally)
And many Deer had danced with wraithy among them, Before he headed out to the lake.
At the lake he had drunk a small amount of water as a group of 3/4 deer had stood infront of wraithy dancing and being rather strangely behaved rubbing against him and rather more importantly to wraithy whom did not like their final 'Move' , to see a collection of deer pass him, All three of them where much older than himself incredibly by size and the fact they have what he doesnt: Antlers.
Wraithy just sat there in Envy, before meeting another youngling that oddly.. revealed that it liked him.
Wraithy was not used to such... Open-minded-ness and ran off somewhat before meeting up with a larg blue deer with a blue mask and peacock feathers wraith had given it a spell before making his introduction of sniffing and etc.
Day-2.... A good day for wraithy.. and its not even finished yet ^^
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/225/b/a/Wraithy_watching_the_forest_by_shivta.jpg and theres Dear Wraithy having his sit down with unfortunatly only two of the three passing deer that came by this morning (Btw those deer look awesome Laughing out loud and i didnt get to see the 'halos' o.o so sowwy il try to remember them more faster XD)
Flyleaf's picture

I really enjoyed reading this

I really enjoyed reading this diary !
Keep the good wok up !!
Hope you will enjoy your stay in the forest !!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13