
Greyhorn's picture
Ok guys I'm back... Really wasn't expecting to leave but life kinda took over... O.o I am going to get caught up on the drawings I've promised a while ago... Sorry about disappearing..
LostintheEcho's picture

Heeey~ ♥

Heeey~ ♥
Sigi by Wake

Greyhorn's picture

Lol hi there! ♥

Lol hi there! ♥
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
Heartstrings's picture

Welcome Back, Grey.

Welcome Back, Grey.

adfjakljds Missed seeing you


Missed seeing you around!! ♥ Hope you're doing well?

Sig: Aihnna

Greyhorn's picture

@heartstrings- thank you!

@heartstrings- thank you! :3

@justdance- I've missed you to! Yep everything is doing great, just really busy. Finally found a slow moment. Smiling how have you been?
my DA
Siggy by Kokote

I'm glad to hear! And I've

I'm glad to hear! And I've been ok. It's good to see you around again cB

Sig: Aihnna

RikkaChan's picture

Good to see you, welcome

Good to see you, welcome back. Smiling
Greyhorn's picture

I hope I'm back to stay for

I hope I'm back to stay for awhile... Smiling it's good to see you again rikka. Thank you. :3
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

Missed you Grey!!!!

Missed you Grey!!!! <3
Greyhorn's picture

Soli! &hearts; &hearts;

Soli! ♥ ♥ ♥!!
my DA
Siggy by Kokote