Will draw(or make CSS) for food(strikethrough) for 1st gen Picto *^*

MageOfMind's picture
under the cut c:


I'm currently searching for a 1st gen pictogram.
I can draw ANYTHING according to this game instead. Depends only on your fantasy. Lines, flat color, full color, ref-sheets, full body, portraits, deers, horses, canis, chimeras, etc. Anything.



Or it could be a full simple bio code with css and javascript.
Or I have some beatiful 3d and 4th gen pictos to change.

Also I can take commissions if anybody interested in it. c:

If you prefer to contact me private here is my Skype nadin.silver or mail nadinserebryakova(at)gmail dot com

MageOfMind's picture

hopeless bump...

hopeless bump...
HoneyDiva's picture

Bump for you ;3

Bump for you ;3