I was wondering...
You almost killed Noface, chasing him around unrelentlessly. He stopped a couple of times to rear/taunt/shake his head while mixing them with the fear action to say 'Please don't follow me, please stop'. Right now he's pretty much traumatized from having a near-death experience. All that running almost flung his lantern off his antler.
Bawwrrrr. ; ; This is the
I think it's Fahnette? Gwen'
Gwen' (a little fawn who you were afraid of, too) was defending Noface. Poor Noface.
Yeah. XD It seems everyone's
Same set as Fahnette but not
Kono hane wo hiroge tobi datsu
It is Sunflyra, though I
Nooo, if you made a guide,
Definitely not Fahnette. I
To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...
Unplugged is right, it's