These are some deer I have met in the woods, if you see yourself here, I would love to say hi

My two running friends I met, Kutanra loved that

Two fawns I helped, I took you round the various parts of the forest remember?

You were the first fawn Kutanra ever helped

I've met you guys a few times, and Krystal, I am sorry when my deer asked you to leave it alone the other day, I wasnt in a bad mood, I was trying to get a picture

I've been dancing with you
~Kutanra the Kindly Guide~
...Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours...
The middle one in the first
In the fourth pic the first one is Lonhro...I know the red one but right now I can't think of his name XD /fails
No one knows the doe in the last picture but everyone wonders who they are.
That red one in the middle is
Hey and hello to you Kutanra
I had muchfun with you too ; Hope to see you again
Hey Guys! Lonrho I loved ur
...Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours...
Y helo thar