September 6, 2009 - 10:41am — lois
Dear Diary...
I finally decided to be part of an exciting activaty with the other deer. It was game of Deer baseball. It was so exciting I had to share it with Cougar. "Deer baseball?" Cougar asked.
"Yeah", I replied, "I'll see ya in the view!" Deer baseball was on next week. My big sister Rain wanted to be part of it too but I said: "Sorry, sis. The players are already figured out".
"Oh I understand", Rain nodded. I never knew my big sister even spoke like that if it sounded very sneaky... Anywhoo, at the game we were pratising before the day. I was a champion when I was a fawn-so I might make my team win!! When the day began, my family and Cougar were part of the view but I couldn't find Rain anywhere!!!! When I was about to kick the ball, someone pushed in my way-it was Rain! "Rain! What did I just tell you?!" I yelled. But I spoke too soon, Rain kicked the ball the goal-keeper missed! My team won! I just couldn't belivie it, I AM the champion of the game, am I? To humans, baseball, they used bats but we deer make like 'basketball'. I found out that there are more champions than just me and that's why sports is so much fun!
By Lois's deer, Whisper. P.S. Don't tell my cousin Shimmer this cos then she'll tell her friends it and my diary won't be secret anymoe!