When the Interwebs crash...

Pretzil's picture
Scary stuff happens! Read moarz plz!

Ok, so... My internet crashed yesterday. I turned into a picto-less deer, everyone went PLOOF!, i began to change sets randomly (without my control), i was attacked by a TREE!!!!, roses blew up in my face, a GIANT GOLDFISH swam in mid-air and gave me a heart attack, a giant lizard ran in front of me, a random RAINBOW appeared... IS that enough???? I'll post my screenies later (cuz im at school learnin' and stuffs ^^). Please beware: THIS MAY FREAK YOU OUT (cuz i sure as heck did!!!) *shiver*

Here's the screenies (I wish i had more...):

Trippy forest for the

Trippy forest for the win!

hm you havesome screenshots? i would really love to see that xD

btw. the forest's server was down yesterday.... maybe your internet is innocent... and what you describe there sounds like the servercrash we had at the abio-try recently ^^

Serenai's picture

Need to see this. O_o

Need to see this. O_o
Icon Art © Beloved
Pretzil's picture

Ohh nonono! Time Warner

Ohh nonono! Time Warner Crappycable is ALWAYS crashing!!! D:< Therefore, my phone, TV, AND Internet crashes. >o< But, the fish... Oh, the fish, I HAD to take a screenshot of that creepyness.... *shiver~*
Serenai's picture

xD I always love when the


I always love when the goldfish swim by. First time I saw I just stared.

I do want to know about this lizard business. > >
Icon Art © Beloved

All of those screen shots

All of those screen shots actually have nothing to do with a server crash, they're from the drinking fountain ;D

Ohh yes, now everything makes

Ohh yes, now everything makes sense xD

You entered de drinkplaads =D

Pretzil's picture

Ah..... But what about the

Ah..... But what about the exploding roses and getting attacked by a tree??? That was BEFORE I entered De Drinkplaads...

De Drinkplaads radomly

De Drinkplaads radomly creates ABIO-Effects like fishes, dropping statues, rainbows, flowerexplosions, fireroses.... ^^ Even when you're not inside the mushrooms

...thets the reason why I don't let my deer sleep or idle nearby that much... sometimes it generates a lightning and a thunderclap... and that freaks me out every time |D
Pretzil's picture

Oh xD When I first started

Oh xD When I first started this game, I thought the thunder was actually a gunshot so every time it went off, I'd run away. xD I still do even though now I know it's thunder.