July 31, 2009 - 6:03am — Siellby
This place...is strange. I can't remember how I got here. There is a lot of magic, strange magic. And there are a lot of strange creatures. They look like deer. Only, some are odd colors, and some have weird faces. Almost...human-like?
They frightened me at first, especially the bigger ones. They still make me nervous.
And...I am one? I was shocked when I saw my reflection. Why does this feel so weird? If only I could remember something...something other than my name.
I do remember my name. It's Oisín. I don't know how or why that's all I remember.
And my legs feel strange. Especially one of the ones in back. Like something happened to it? But I don't know what. I have trouble walking, and especially running. I stumble and slide a lot, and I limp sometimes.
I'm so confused! I wish I knew where I am. I wish I could remember something! I don't know what's happening.
At least I managed to get close to one of those....creatures....deer... I'll just call them deer. He was blue. He was with a green one, that vanished. It surprised me when that green deer just disappeared in a puff of smoke! But the blue one didn't seem surprised at all. Instead, he looked sad. I didn't want him to be sad. So, I had to try not to be afraid, and I went over to him and sniffed him. He didn't look as dangerous as some of the others I saw before.
So, I walked with him, because it seemed almost as if he was asking me to follow. And I didn't want to get lost again, like earlier. So I went with him. And we drank from the stream.
I like that stone by the stream. And there were other ones that looked like it, only smaller, by something that looks like it used to be a building. But there were also a lot of stones shaped like crosses there, and I didn't like them. I don't know why, but they made me scared and sad and angry all at the same time. So I ran away from that place. And then I found those statues, that for some reason, made me feel...peaceful? I liked those statues. Anyway, that was before I met the blue deer.
I guess I wouldn't mind seeing him again.
Maybe things'll be better tomorrow...
(mentioned: Scape)
I'd like to mention that Oisín should have a bit of an accent, and would probably stutter when he's nervous...but it wouldn't make sense for him to actually write like that. So when he actually talks, it will be a bit different from the way he writes.
I'm curious about what
It did seem like he had a limp or trouble walking though. That's why Scape didn't go faster than a walk. I think he's already starting to get a bit protective of the little guy.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Well, he was human, but he
I could tell you more, but I feel like being mysterious.
Really I just thought it would be appropriate to reveal more as he remembers more. Even though there isn't anything really surprising or even very interesting. Unless I can think of more.
Actually, Scape could help him to become less skittish by helping him meet other deer.
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe
Heh, ok. Mysterious is fine.
I was thinking that too, actually. Just being comfortable around Scape is a big step. And he seems to attract other deer sometimes, so..there you go.
That nameless deer picked quite a time to be messing with random emotes, including lowering its antlers, though. |D
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Oh, yeah, I forgot about
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe