About the person above you?
A game influenced by Queze's player, and the recent memes.
Lets play a game shall we?
The rules are simple;
- If you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all.
The moment such trouble starts up and arguments arise, I'll be deleting this.
... That is all for now.

Have fun!
you give lovely compliments.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
I love what you write; it
You're such a friendly member too, always willing to help out~ /throws you love ♥
Don't think I've met someone
You have a way of cheering situations up, and are a very kind person~ It's true O:
Crimmy! I love your
I embarrassingly don't know
Don't post something about
Haha Fled, it's ok xD I'm guessing that we both have something in common though- since your avatar has House in it <3333 xD
Thank you 8D <3
That is all.
Carry on xD
They watch house. nuff said.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
I gota second that! ~
Forest FAQ
ilu. iluuuuuu
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
^ Awesome poet. :D
i don't even write that much
oh yeah...somethin nice..
It organises a rut well~
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
^Great at drawing people
^ amazing but I'm too shy to
^Very friendly! Has awesome
Oh Hala, for one, you spoil
I wish that I could talk to ya more, too :3
Overall, great artist and great personality ;3
^ Gingernut is one of the
^probably one of the first
^----- Dunno em to much but
Just cause XD plus you being lex is epically awesome C:
Leveled is really nice love
^ hm...kept me amused with
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Hmm Mick, to me, you're an
You, my friend, have inspired me to better my abilities as a writer.
(Felt this needed a bump~ I hope you don't mind... :<))
[don't say anything about
...I'm actually seriously flattered...I'm like...speechless actually.
Thank you so much for that.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
HEY. Mick and Ginger here are
they both have completely original and unique characters, straying away from the typical "pretty boy" and "pretty girl". &hearts they both have awesome, descriptive writing skills that I both envy and admire, and they manage to be funny and humble all at the same time. srs, you guys make me smile. TEEHEE. and I had to say good things about both of you because you're both too great.
Sarie...sariesariesarie... O
One of the first people I ever met in this community, someone I absolutely respect, always fun and spunky (sorry for the weird terminology), a fellow music fanatic (always cool), has an all-star cast of deer including the always gorgeous Vipin and Aspen...whenever I say "Rock Band" you think "BEATLES!" XD
You're probably one of the most optimistic people I've ever met (and that's coming from a pessimist), and you're an awesome role model. Anyone who ever needs someone to look up to, I vote Sarie!
Queddie... You are very nice
You are very nice to all ppl on the community, no matter how they act
You make amazing characters, and you write amazing stories <33
Geez, it's easy to say Quad
You're always up to helping people and you're such an open and warmhearted guy.
I'm also glad to see how you've got things you want in your life and are determined and working hard for reaching your goals. I wish I had it like that. :'D
^ that siggy. nuff said.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
z.m123 - I really don't know
Quammy/Tuhka -- Oh what can I say... you're awesome. :3 Your art is so beautiful, you have such incredible talent... I hope one day I can be half the artist you are. I still cherish that completely awesome picture you drew of my character, Devlin. ♥ I've always looked up to you, and I view you as a kind of TEF celebrity. I was too shy to talk to you for such a long time! (I'm still kind of too shy to talk to you, ha!)
edit: I've been ninja'd! D:
Mick/ShadowsOfLight -- Again, I don't know you too terribly well, but I remember your storylines from long ago, and I always enjoyed reading through them. Ginger mentioned that they admired the passion that you put into your writing, and I have to say I agree. I hope we can be friends, some day; you're also someone I was always too shy to talk to. c:
I don't know you all that
She's looks like a very interesting nice deer and I hope we get to know each other more.
Teffy would love to meet Lemon.
TeffyTeff! :'D I haven't had
Ooh~ I also feel the need to compliment Teff's picto~ For some reason, it really catches my eye (a boat on a tidal wave?) I have no idea why, I just love it. Makes it easier for me to find you in-forest.
((Huh... Vee... I hope you don't mind my resurrecting this again... I like saying nice things about people...))
Ginger. :b I really don't
interacted much with them myself, I have stalked some rp's/ writings of yours. :') And that is another thing - your writing. It is epic, I always love to
read what you have written. <3
Wouldn't mind to meet up with your chars in-forest more often, although Jergens and Illrose perhaps didn't start out very good, with her joining Jack's
dance-on-Jergens-party. xD
^ AMAZING artist with a
Hmm, lessee-if I don't
SarriiiiieeesarieSARIE. Definitely one of those people on here that I know of, see around a lot, but haven't ever had the chance to really meet which is TERRIBLE because she seems so amazing. Whenever I've seen you around here, you're always saying something lovely, brightening up someone's day, just generally being epicsauce no matter who the person is. I've never seen any negativity with Sarie, she just seems to radiate glory and rainbows, even if she's under the sea in a yellow submarine, in which case she'd better bring me back an angler fish or something coz the light in this room just blew, no joke. I jumped about a foot in the air and my boyfriend's puppy fled the room faster than people warm up to Sarie and her wonderful optimistic attitude ♥
Overall, you just seem to be one of those amazing members who, as I know has been mentioned here, is an absolutely perfect role model for all members, both old and new. I also have heard a bit about your characters, and am totally going to have to go investigate-they all seem so original and fabulous, and I'll totally hafta keep an eye out for you in-forest as well as here. STALKAGE AHOY.
Basically, Sarie=Lovely ♥
You are always hyper and