Whacha wanna know? | Q & A Time with Light & co.

LighttheSky's picture

I'm sick today, (nasty head cold..... i really hope it's not the evil flu < .___.' > ) and can't paint/draw... and the servers are down... so I'm randomly jumping on the bandwagon. < >.<' >

So if anyone wants to ask - feel free. I'll do my best to answer whatever is thrown at me in the most interesting manner I can come up with a the time. *hehehe* You can ask questions of both my human side or any of my deer.

Handy reference sheet for questions/answers:

Human: Sundri/Rose
Doe: Light the Sky
Stag: Hemlock
Mini-doe: Nyadere
Fawn/eventual Doe: Crux

Tuhka's picture

Bawwww sorry to hear Light's

Bawwww sorry to hear Light's been feeling lonely :c
*throws the mudpie King in the forest*

LighttheSky's picture

S'okay, she just hasn't been

S'okay, she just hasn't been able to find anyone to play with lately. *lol* *nuzzles* Thankies for the mud pies! They were yummmmyyy!!! <33 <^.^>

~ < ^.^ >
| Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~Maori Proverb |