The Wee Free Men Brainstorming

Alecsander's picture

Apologies, more brainstorming.

It has become apparent with the mini-pelt possibility that it is now possible to in face have tiny angry blue mini deer.

As such, I have decided to make a "Wee Free Man" deer.

The problem is that this specific line of character travels in clans or groups.

So I figured I would see if anyone else was interested in joining in on the festivities.

Background information;

The Nac Mac Feegles (also known as Pictsies, the Wee Free Men, the Little Men, 'Person or Persons Unknown, Believed to be Armed', and occasionally 'The Defendants') are a type of fairy appearing in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels Carpe Jugulum, The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky and Wintersmith. Aside from being six inches tall, they just about invert the Victorian concept of mystical and refined fairies, and hark back to the fairies of folklore, who were generally seen as occasionally helpful thieves and pests.

The Nac Mac Feegles' skin appears blue because it is heavily tattooed and covered with paint, and all have red hair. The tattoos identify a Feegle's clan. Wings or similar features of any kind are out of the question. Their speech can only be described as some sort of variation on the Scots language, usually Glaswegian in the clans encountered so far, although William the Gonnagle (from a different clan) has a softer, Highland accent. They are notably strong and resilient, which comes in handy given that male Feegles (almost all of them) tend to be notoriously rowdy as a lifestyle.

The Feegles spend their time drinking, fighting and stealing, alone or in various combinations. The immense strength and rowdiness of these pictsies means that they will fight anything, and they have a particular fondness for headbutting creatures far larger than themselves. In a good fight, a Feegle will take on all comers, fight his fellow Feegles, with such enthusiasm that makes missing someone hazardous ("Crivens! I kicked meself in ma ain heid!").

Nac Mac Feegles possess a eusocial culture similar to bees, termites and other social insects. The clan is made up of hundreds of brothers, and one mother, called a kelda. When a Clan's kelda dies, another is imported from a different clan.

The role of the kelda is, essentially, to do the thinking. The Big Man is responsible for commanding his fellow Feegles and trying to maintain some semblance of order, but in truth the kelda decides what will be done and the Big Man works out the fine (for a Feegle's plans) details--although no Big Man shown so far would go on a serious expedition and not bring along the clan gonnagle (who tend to be much brighter than the other male Feegles and have a fund of lore, stories, and ideas they can draw upon). Male Feegles are in dread of losing their kelda because there will be no one 'tae take care o' us'.

Cannon name examples from the books:

Rob Anybody
Daft Wullie
Awfully Wee Billy Bigchin
No'-As-Big-As-Medium-Sized-Jock-But-Bigger-than-Wee-Jock Jock
William the Gonnagle

female feegles or Kelda tend to have more plain names such as:

More info here

I, personally, will be going along and making a character shortly to fit the bill. Smiling

I just figured I would extend the courtesy if anyone else would enjoy running amok in the forest as a disgruntled tiny blue mini.

Any brainstorming can be put below.

If we wish to go as far to implement a social hierarchy (Kelda, Big man, Gonnagle etc.) we would definitely be fair and let everyone have a chance at being the leaders. Smiling It's no fun to be lead around by the same person all the time so we would switch it up.

This would not be a strict 'group' or anything as much as a bunch of characters with a central theme/heritage who may happen to run around in a pack depending on how many people are on/want to fool about in forest.

There will probably not be "set" meeting times or very formal plans. Mostly just a directory of everyone who wants to join in on the fun and links to the deer.

If you have set ideas, behavior ideas, design ideas, etc. then feel free to weigh in even if you do not plan on taking a part.

The thought came a long when Rainflower and I both wistfully sighed a while ago that a Feegle deer would not be possible due to the mini being so restricted.

But now..oh the possibilities!

I figured I would name mine "Mon The Gonnagle" (Bad harry potter reference Sticking out tongue ) and run about creating mischief. (standing under other deer, spelling sleepers, picking play fights with other deer, following/air sitting on deer etc.)

Alecsander's picture



OH HELL YES -shot- I



I wantoneIwantone

but I dunno if I should XD I already have a trillion characters.
Hmmn. >_>
Spyrre's picture

Wut. O= *track*

Wut. O=
Alecsander's picture

Pfft there is no such thing

Pfft there is no such thing as too many characters Crimmy!
trigger_mortis's picture

Don't think I'd be able to

Don't think I'd be able to play around much, but I just had to say...


your idea wins.

Alecsander's picture

I figure it would be one of

I figure it would be one of those "I'm bored and want to run around" characters.

I'll probably work on compiling the needed data in a few weeks.