We've Been Naughty

Redkora's picture
I caught being bad (which is between and I for the moment), so I put us in time out in the cage, at the Ename ruins, wearing the red pelt. We're not allowed to communicate with other deer, and we're only permitted to leave the cage to re-red ourselves. Our penance will be over on Wednesday.

Edit: We'll also be in the pit at the Ename ruins if another deer already happens to be in the cage.

We usually spend our time in there sleeping and sitting. If you need a sleeping deer to pelt swapping, this is your stag! Eye

When I'm on depends on when I get time during the day. If you don't know our pictogram by now, look to the avatar.
Sluggs's picture

*slaps *

MizuSky's picture

lmao my deer: -sits out side

my deer: -sits out side of cage and noms on ur stags fav food-
Redkora's picture

Quote:*slaps * : Please,

*slaps *

: Please, sir, may I have some more? ;D *is a strumpet*
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]

Tracking because I can't not.

Tracking because I can't not. xD
Redkora's picture

XD I'll be adding


I'll be adding screenshots I've taken during our penance. Those will be coming on or after Wednesday.
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]