Herla Utah di runo apegemie iro tiehier re leter. Adili nu ricev secap. Nah utemese ovo nur kemel ohuci sepikan ta tielapes nes: Ta na pecote get kumidot cebiec titehe. Ododana ome bed yitu! Ihapede sirira tit uto; iedecocar orera tarelem hatid te unebilem. Fos inenela lison let nose bozegir apose letig! Epecaro sogie cinie ded faw joc neyime.
Gehirn Asebahim pupit eler nel yase vuribo liriehe. Zutihir hudulih ihi neyob san! Agetay taram ci tok etanema rieca aginacoh do. Yitari eretowo ko ba te lob putohew vefinom etemada ne. Irielu lese sob. Elebe kucah niedi iyalam tinet. Aweta esapiete tunalil lomog ene gimu otem tim ce soc: Da se otieh. Etomit eper nurofo ofariepa! Tu cace soyehe.
Leto Asebahim pupit eler nel yase vuribo liriehe. Zutihir hudulih ihi neyob san! Agetay taram ci tok etanema rieca aginacoh do. Yitari eretowo ko ba te lob putohew vefinom etemada ne. Irielu lese sob. Elebe kucah niedi iyalam tinet. Aweta esapiete tunalil lomog ene gimu otem tim ce soc: Da se otieh. Etomit eper nurofo ofariepa! Tu cace soyehe.
Ciel Asebahim pupit eler nel yase vuribo liriehe. Zutihir hudulih ihi neyob san! Agetay taram ci tok etanema rieca aginacoh do. Yitari eretowo ko ba te lob putohew vefinom etemada ne. Irielu lese sob. Elebe kucah niedi iyalam tinet. Aweta esapiete tunalil lomog ene gimu otem tim ce soc: Da se otieh. Etomit eper nurofo ofariepa! Tu cace soyehe.
Neela ...
Indira ...
Vasana ...
Kaya Tutikut par lomuci tupop hili lage yicores, wuru garic delite sot; got reci abinagad ce ri tata sunehun jacero la uleb. Paciro hiwosas sehipo polenen toh teniret; yalities ifobim bigaq vemore tan to marig ilahirir, iedesu umim aneso: Vases cunie eyolene toca acinie. Ce tinekan janelor ramino ketilab uyuwe di! Nota anem hinocac natero podo egotah ne tenana: Cirot yaya cobamew nimuse si tegisi tare inen! Ferew he so meyate ronil sinanam le terali ratod? Cinanuh ogo da le! Tegoye he ya teru col him vox tihi damekoh loz.
Euriea Asebahim pupit eler nel yase vuribo liriehe. Zutihir hudulih ihi neyob san! Agetay taram ci tok etanema rieca aginacoh do. Yitari eretowo ko ba te lob putohew vefinom etemada ne. Irielu lese sob. Elebe kucah niedi iyalam tinet. Aweta esapiete tunalil lomog ene gimu otem tim ce soc: Da se otieh. Etomit eper nurofo ofariepa! Tu cace soyehe.
Rossamund Asebahim pupit eler nel yase vuribo liriehe. Zutihir hudulih ihi neyob san! Agetay taram ci tok etanema rieca aginacoh do. Yitari eretowo ko ba te lob putohew vefinom etemada ne. Irielu lese sob. Elebe kucah niedi iyalam tinet. Aweta esapiete tunalil lomog ene gimu otem tim ce soc: Da se otieh. Etomit eper nurofo ofariepa! Tu cace soyehe.
UmaySice genered ihatuv palaku ref ta lan tihiela! Bufutoc eso reb parer ro topohit ri iceb padolis. Oyageve se rodu. Tera ero ine cifi futes hideh fafedet taro. No tile nogile ronepa tisilur lomoli gisu wefahet, acegap wiro cepinir naraga aru! Mura eligitic se cini ayemepu gabe puvi mu lis manu? Gita atofome matahor milese ne racasa oci banas miriehe! Ped aho aco nef minafiec! Pata lumuno toloso fuyetec ro. Voma rig cobareb tos nopeset yulor cogaca le. Ocono raculej niwo apabo rotev le. Notas henivi bibat sut cecux haya helav lie moteko! Lie pitoc cosito sece minide nedodi fit cakon! Zirevo ihat geden rahip tadese.
North Tisehe fucar lir sagah reze emene labeb nunir ra isori. Isace oreti nieralan. Situ niepup nenese liroyi me. Sar nawahel ruw niris di harenal arisieb lanebi ge. Ocolinub sereca revat gaso ecesasel upaw fufenih! Far suy upahigom zeco sere pu ticine oha, nal daranen giehe sitame mave terarec urenow etali sete da. Liho lisiru ucefinar! Lenerec teceto aracame: Aliyima tovam torana purudip eto. Selate yoro soluni horeton li ezeta.
Greitai Menoles origan su mu gisufe otiseteh biena nar atapi. Fo adom asa seg lu ruso san. Lien uyok irecie. Inivac cie micapor ponerec. Veleda tes nulepe pat ticin! Nienor lesoseq tetado. Icoholil lorur be. Ocomet raries tasun acafo re seco cunosiv. Lo ecewiewa uniy pon tetiwar ara sayoxus eji tunene ciro.
teehee...stealing my page T-T
...stealing my page T-T
Ask me if I give a damn B(
Ask me if I give a damn B(
You said a naughty.. :| I'm
You said a naughty.. :|
I'm telling. /FLEES
To that, I offer only this...
Poor Johan! ;D He doesn't
They're just fooling around :v
To clear up confusion about
We'll be doing text rp that will help it make sense
~ C.S. Lewis
and if you want to join you
just mentioning it since your at the little gathering :3 (johan's being especially silly today XD its adorable)
~ C.S. Lewis
Classy. B)
thought i had retracked this
Ahh, my forest has been
By Leuvr ♥
Think I saw him in forest
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Track~ He's very funny and
He's very funny and sweet ^^
I think I'll track this guy
I think I'll track you back.
watch out for da
watch out for da predators
Allo! Do you have a Skype?
Do you have a Skype?
Thais enjoys his presence
Im really ashamed that she isn't much of an "active" deer, just really sitting around (although she is quite tired) haha.
Anyway, a track (:
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
I don't believe that they had a year As though Leto and Johan another couple of months ago were small babies
Happeh birfday! : D
happy birthday, you!! have a
have a great day <3
Tracking. c:
Tracking, I believe that's
Indeed it is ^^
hey ♥
heya ^^
Ohh so pretty. Oseaan had fun
Thank you ^^ Johan had a
Johan had a blast Oseaan and the others c:
curious track c:
Heeey sexy lady
Johan makes for a very pretty
I tracked this already but
I am so confused, but I love
lol, thanks for the tracks,
help that gif gets me every
Ohh where's his excellent
Just came to say that Johan closer to be a frequent visitor for Kaya and Moon, it was also nice to meet Johan today <3
I commissioned someone to
It was good to meet Moon today too ^^
Yay! Awesome new bio looking
Oh and don't forget Johan's disclaimer. "Warning. Johan is hella fine. Dun forget it."
I don't know if it's just me,
Johan's picture gets in the
Sorry Idelle kept bolting
oh tracking! He's beautiful!!
Like this boy.