I've finally been kicked in the ass about my clock tree wall painting projekt, and I've used this intire weekend on painting (And listening to Safri Duo)

The bottom of the tree. A real pain in the eye, but great effect cam out of using water. I love using water when I paint. And John said that it looked like a person. Don't you think? Look again.
Half of the tree is done. Phew, and right after I was done, I started paint Teradeer. Hahaha, like I haven't got enough.
Today John borrowed his mothers camera, so he could take pictures of my work while I was doing it. I will show you some of the pictures (He took a lot)
I hated to paint the upper part of the tree, I got dizzy several times and though I was about to faint.
Close up.
Sexy me with sexy pencil. I dont always look that goofy, I'm just a bit tired.
Ouch, my poor back, bending over like that, hahaha!
Uuuuuuh, almost done with the tree! There was almost no paint left, so I was a bit nervous.
Yay, complete! And as you guessed I drew Maka'alohilohi after this. Silly, eh?
Now the numbers on the clock will be painted. It was rather strange, because sometimes I couldn't paint the numbers because of the clock "arms" were blocking.
Numbers done!!
And now when I look at these pictures, I remember that I've forgotten to paint behind the clock itself. There will be some lines comming out of the center, so it looks like the clock have tons of "arms"
P.S. Now you've seen me, so the illusion is broken! Dam dam daaaaam!
P.P.S. Screw you Tinypic for cracking and not wanting to upload my pictures!
That is looking so freaking
♥ wonderful
So much wonderful work! This
(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
You could ask your parents if
hehe I don't think that would
But I will make it a point when I get my first house!
(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
That's a lovely idea! Big
I still have a white wall waiting on me to be painted again. I painted an ugly dragon on it when I was 12, and last year I decided I was tired of looking at it.
But now I don't have the time. AAAH. Such a shame. Do have some nice ideas though ♥. But a clock! That's a fun one. XD
I loooove clocks! And I love
That is such an awesome idea.
A tree-clock... agh, I love
You did awesome work with this, seems like it was a lot of work to do.
I love how you documented the painting process too it was very intresting to see.
Now I want one of those on my wall too.... <3
whoah. I love this. So
So creative....
Ah, clocks ♥ You did
By Leuvr ♥
Spyrre and everyone, just
This is quite the project, it