:.{The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction : Part 2}.:

Part 2 of Danila's story. :U

Danila growled. Her human appearance had faded a week or so ago; experiments had sapped at her strength, and she'd been forced to give up the facade. Now there was no longer a human face, nor the masculine-feminine body she'd chosen. There was no head of black or red hair, no black pupils, gold irises and white eyeballs. No eyebrows, no eyelashes, no pale-white skin.
Her facade was gone. In it's place there was a long-limbed creature, confined within a large steel cage, crouched as if to pounce, but still its body shape was relatively human. Her eyes were large and bug-like, completely gold and glittering. Her skin was a pale ocean blue, shining, with dark blue veins showing in various places. No clothes covered her, and she was neither identifiable as 'she' or 'he' at all. A long, thin tail curled around 'her' left leg, long ankles with its clawed feet holding her up. Her arms, long and thin and blue, were palm-down on the floor, razor-like nails digging into the linoleum. Pointed ears twitched on the sides of her head, and the stiff spines sprouting from her back did the same. Sharp teeth glistened as she growled again; sharp, dark blue teeth, behind which there lay a forked blue tongue.
Danila's piercing gaze never left the white-coated man pacing back and forth in the room. She could see the sweat forming on his brow and knew then that he was aware of her gaze, and he was uncomfortable about it.
He left with a sigh into the endless corridor, and Danila was alone.

Well, almost. For underneath the scientist's desk, Danila knew that there was a small wire cage. And in this cage, she knew that there was a boy.
A very, very familiar boy.
A boy she'd known.
A boy who'd gone missing.
A boy with floppy pale-blonde hair.
A boy named Quintin.
And now she knew why he was there. Because like her, Quintin was different. And once upon a time he'd tried to tell her so, because he knew she was different. That was why they'd connected. She didn't know how they'd done what they'd done to him, but she knew that these scientists were the reason Quintin was different.
They were the reason he was an outcast. They were the reason for both of their pain and suffering. Danila would hear Quintin cry at night, hear him scream and bawl as his cage was carried towards one of the experimentation rooms. And she used to hear him call the same phrase, over and over; "I want to go home to Mama". Until he stopped making noise altogether.
She would often see a tentacle, its underside covered in suckers, wind its way out of the cage and try to find a way to escape. Now she knew the reason he smelled of the ocean. Because those scientists had done something to him, something that involved an octopus or a squid, or something similar.
From her perception, the scientists were evil. They were not doing this for the good of others. They did not expect to gain anything but knowledge and secrets. They caused Danila and Quintin pain, and that was all they did.
Yes, they were evil.
And she wanted to break free.

"Stop!" She screamed and screamed as the needles slid underneath her skin, as chemicals flowed into her veins. They didn't last long, usually; her blood conquered it, made it less painful, less dangerous, but it was the needles that got her. Those hurt, because her flesh was sensitive. When they flashed X-rays at her, she screamed in pain, because the light was blinding only to her. When they strapped her down and examined every inch of her, again she screamed.
She'd never felt so vulnerable.
Endless white covered her vision...

Danila shifted and then finally curled up, thin tail thumping on the floor as she tried to think of how to escape. She'd thought before, of course, but had come to almost nothing. She could try and get back to the Forest, but the strength needed to tear reality like that was not available to her just yet. If they would just let her rest, give her time to recuperate...
There was also the matter of Quintin. She could not just leave him there, not with them. She didn't think he could speak; whenever the scientists had tried to make him talk, he'd babbled or gurgled nothingness. He barely even moved anymore.
How could they both escape?

Then a week later, her chance came, and it was due to Quintin.

They picked up the cage gingerly, as if still expecting the boy inside to scream and wail and shake his prison from side to side as he once had. They sighed in relief at the lack of response and walked, at a brisk pace, all eight legs moving in unison.
What their 'keen' eyes did not notice was a single tentacle trailing out of the cage, followed by another, and another, and another. Together the tentacles worked to collect small bottles of chemicals, and held them tightly.
Then ten minutes later, Danila heard a faint explosion from the other side of the underground building. Before she knew it, Quintin dived into the room, panting, and there was no sign of tentacles.
"Fire, it's all on fire, miss, but it won't spread here, this room is fireproof," He seemed calm despite his lack of breath, but Danila was shocked by his words. He could [i]speak
. The boy fidgeted and crouched before Danila's cage - then his left arm was a tentacle, and it was breaking the locks on the door.

For days, they slept, neither of them speaking.[/i]

She knew as soon as she woke on the fifth day that:
1. The entire building save for one room was burnt down.
2. Both she and Quintin were far stronger, but malnourished
3. The time was now.
Without asking, without giving any indication, Danila grabbed the small boy by the back of his neck, and they vanished.


I wanted to continue this but I'm extremely lazy and tired today, which is why this piece of writing is rushed and not up to scratch xD Ah well~ Here you go.
Fledermaus's picture

o3o Danila is my hero. YOUR

Danila is my hero. YOUR WRITING IS LOVE, ONCE AGAIN. <3333456

I think that may have been

I think that may have been the best comment I've ever had. <3

shameless bumping.
Pegasicorn's picture

8D */not knowing what to say

*/not knowing what to say but liking this*
*..had this bookmarked to read later |D*