V r a n a
March 9, 2016 - 7:53pm — theunborn
Basic Info
- Vrana (meaning 'crow' in Serbian)
- Age was forgotten after death, estimated to be hundreds of years old however
- A large crow with piercing pupilless white eyes, wearing the top half of a crow skull on her head. Alternatively she can change into a gryphon-like creature partially covered in feathers and soft velvety fur, all of which is black, though she wears the crow skull as a necklace in this form and exposes her pale face (i need to draw this but i probably will fail so bye gonna go cry) [x]
- Emits the scent of bones, feathers and lavender
- Omnivorous, though she mainly eats nuts, berries and mushrooms
Track ^.^
♥ !
thank you!
<3 @Schutzgeist
She has the golden pelt and
nope, she's a crow, i'm
Ooh, exciting! ;0
thank you! ^-^
track ^^
hi :>
hello!! vodka's rearing was
vodka's rearing was not hostility i promise he was mostly trying to figure this little birdy out :'^)
also a track!
thank you! Vodka wouldn't be
Vodka wouldn't be the first to rear around Vrana, so she's kinda used to it by now
nice to meet this lovely
Discord: Gulonine#4267
haha, it's alright, it's just
(No subject)
bump since changed her up a