uuuhhhhhh help?

lucky was trotting around this even and stumble upon the pond and fell into it.

As you know she lost her pelt look like the original deers.
when she went on the little box and on the network to get it back she accidently clicked saved when she was still on the original deer form instead of pressing load

so i ask if anyone can help me on getting back my pelt horns and mask

oh gosh lucky feels empty

ps. hey look no misspelling this time
keepspeeps's picture

Protip: Rename this blog to

Protip: Rename this blog to "Lost set. Need help getting my set back"

Inside the blog, write "This is the set that I need back:" then list the Pelt name, the Antler name, and the Mask name.

Also say "Please" and "Thanks in advance"

You may just be more successful in this manner.

Another protip: Within the blog, say "My deer is at _______ location" (a familiar location) Where the other deer can come up to you to help you.

Alright? Good luck.
Keeps loves Fay.

thank you very much im pretty

thank you very much im pretty clumsy in the game ^-^;