
Aegle's picture
Guess who is getting their wisdom teeth removed tomorrow?



I think I'm going to barf. D8

Got 'em removed 30 minutes ago. Feeling great. C: It wasn't TO bad. It just sucked with he started waking me up on the last one. And I felt intense pain and couldn't tell him. So I forced out ONE single tear and yeah. I got knocked out again. No clue what kind of shit I confessed to. LOL.

I will now eat my vegan jello, mint vegan ice cream, AND VEGAN YOGURT (all with a hint of blood, ew.)


Kaoori's picture

Good luck! Mine wasn't too

Good luck! Mine wasn't too bad.. I had one broken underneath the gum too. >_<
Zergarikiaka's picture

D8 Oh gosh, best of luck with

D8 Oh gosh, best of luck with that Aeg!

*has all her wisdom teeth, but never bothered by them*
Aegle's picture

I'm hoping it won't be to

I'm hoping it won't be to bad. I suprisingly have a high pain tolerance its just I'm freaked out about the surgery. I hate not knowing what is going on. And the IV. Its not the needle its just that something is vein... UGH.
Good news is I'll probably be on here A LOT.
GingerNut's picture

Good luck, mate. I have to

Good luck, mate. I have to get mine removed soon, too. Best of luck :3
Kaoori's picture

I just remember falling

I just remember falling asleep from the drugs and then waking up in the middle and freaking out and then getting nice drugs and seeing pretty things and falling back to sleep.

and then somehow I got home. <3
Aegle's picture

Thank you! c: Gah, THATS MY

Thank you! c:

Gah, THATS MY WORST FEAR! I'm going to go in there screaming "GIVE ME THE HAPPY KAOORI DRUGS." XD I'm also freaking out because I'm allergic to penicillin and several "substitute" forms. So they always give me some new substitute and I have a bad reaction to it. Not only that but the substitutes are disgusting. :C

/sob Mine are planned to be


Mine are planned to be taken out soon too >C
I DECLARE TO THE DOCTA THAT THEY STAY. Cause I have metal wires behind my teeth.
They ain't gonna shift worth jack! (8
Pegasicorn's picture

I fear when I get mine out,

I fear when I get mine out, if I need to. D= One is grown in, the rest are still under. And they told me in the past that they're impacted. SO WE'LL SEE IF I KEEP THEM OR NOT. 8D;

Best of luck to you!
Fledermaus's picture

Frozen go-gurt and chocolate

Frozen go-gurt and chocolate pudding. This is your new menu. 8D
Tally's picture

I had eight teeth taken out

I had eight teeth taken out all at once. Four babies and the adult ones in the gum under them. And honestly, it wasn't so bad. Hurts after but it's not unbearble. (:
Aegle's picture

TheForsakenOne: It actually

TheForsakenOne: It actually wasn't bad at all if you doo have to get them removed. C: I wish I could have kept them but my mouth would've got so screwed up. I have a small mouth which was expanded with the lovely expander back in the day. UGH.

Pega: Yeah impacted ones suck. That's the only one that is uncomfortable at the moment XD Fingers crossed the others wont grow in!

Flef: EW. Pudding is the worlds grossest food. It makes me barf upon entering my mouth. Its like...melted jello...sticky melted jello. D8 GO-GURT IS A YES (vegan kind that is XD)
Speaking of Go-Gurt which is a "kids" food; When I went into the office I wore my brothers snow man pjs and a "Where the Wild Things Are" shirt. Only to walk in and see other girls getting their teeth removed wearing full on makeup and cute outfits. LOL. I soooo won.

Tally: Your right! It wasn't to bad! C8

Aegle's picture



My friend got her's pulled

My friend got her's pulled out. Her face is all swollen. xD

Try to not eat anything before it, so you won't die from throwing up in your lungs. xD <3

Glad to hear you didn't have

Glad to hear you didn't have too tough a time of it, and I wish you a speedy return to the realm of solid foods! C:
Kiraki's picture

Glad it all went ok :3 I

Glad it all went ok :3

I don't like dentists and I still have all my teeth...
