Trying to find somebody...

Greyhorn's picture
I met a deer in the forest who's symbol looks kinda like a skull. They have the Halloween mask and antlers. I would really like to be friends I just cant figure out who you are. lol Plus I don't know how to get my computer to do a screenshot...
Reyy's picture

To take a screenshot, simply

To take a screenshot, simply press p.
If you don't want the actions menu to show in the screenshot, hold down the Ctrl button and then press p.
Next, go into The Endless Forest through the start menu, and then select Screenshots.
If you don't see any, try looking for a button that says Compatibility Files and then press it.
You should see them loaded afterwards.
To make them easier to select, (when you go to load them for a link) I would just drag and drop the screenshot you want into your pictures folder so that you don't have to go searching for it later.
Greyhorn's picture


Thanks. Smiling
my DA
Siggy by Kokote