Tralala;; a poem by Painted Lady

Anzel's picture

To the fire
And the lock
To the valley
Lain before me
Break the bars down
Laws, ignore me

Shall the fi'flies
Sing requiem
Part of us lies
Deep within them
Kiss the blue moon
With my heart soon
Hear my voice croon
Down the stream

Winter cuts me
Summer tears me
Autumn rests me
Spring it bears me
When the blue moon
Meets the lost noon
Shall my sights cast
Out before me

Clasping hoofbeats
Pierce my heart
Kiss the blue moon
With my heart soon
Flutter softly


A lullaby sung by Painted Lady.

I just made it's sung in a hushed voice, very slowly. It -kind-of- fits the tune of "this land is made for you and me" or whatever it's called...
Deer700's picture

it's beautiful=0 ------ perp

it's beautiful=0
perp + jadine = <3

I loves it <3 ^^ Very

I loves it <3 ^^ Very nice.

-- Dannii <3
Emiva's picture

Beautiful. Has a very nice

Beautiful. Has a very nice 'beat' to it


Hubalaboo's picture

Ah, that is beautiful. Taint

Ah, that is beautiful. Taint must've inherited your talent. Eye

My TEF Art: ~~~A Place~~~Candle~~~For Anzel~~~ ***Plumeria's bio***