Wow! Thank you very much for that website. I'm sure it'll be useful! But I've already decided on Plumeria. It's a tree with flowers that fit her quite well, I think. More the kind with yellow and white.
Always love to see your art! You always spend so much effort on the background (something most people, myself included, seem to neglect) and it really makes the piece look fleshed out and yet I have no trouble picking out the main figure...wonderful job
Thank you, Terabetha. I'm actually not too fond of the background in this one. Not sure why. I keep thinking I could have done more, like smooth out some parts and define some parts. I guess it's pretty natural to crit oneself on art, though..?
Holy cow that's beautiful.
It's very lovely <3 *pets
*pets painted lady*
I should bring her into the forest later. She's feeling neglected.
My antennae are longer than that -_-
...*flicks a pinecone at her head* Ignore her. She doesn't know what she looks like <<; Taint, hush.
*rolls eyes*
...*sweatdrop* She's mean, no? *gives her the evil stare*
*stares back*
That's beautiful, I love the
great artwork ^^
I wish I could draw :<
It's all right, Anzel, I
Perhaps someday you'll be able to connect properly, and she'll change.
And thank you all.
My TEF Art: ~~~A Place~~~Candle~~~My deer's bio
I have a feeling she'll have
By the way, here are some beautiful names, if you are having trouble finding one for your deer :3
Wow! Thank you very much for
My TEF Art: ~~~A Place~~~Candle~~~My deer's bio
Always love to see your art!
Thank you, Terabetha. I'm
Plumeria says hi!
My TEF Art: ~~~A Place~~~Candle~~~Plumeria's bio
You've got some real talent,
It's beautiful! It's even more amazing since it has been produced by someone so young.
=^.^= Thank you Redkora. I
I love how the community here has so many artists!*springyhop*
Yes, Mae. I feel the same.
My TEF Art: ~~~A Place~~~Candle~~~Plumeria's bio
I think what I like most
OMG how do u do that (in a
it is soooo beautiful *looks in amazement* ^_^