After finishing her exams, Manticore's human was able to play in the forest for more than a few minutes.
The first thing Manticore did was go pay its respects to its Gods.

Then it found two other fawn and they stood together for a while. XD

Manticore stops at the pond afterwards to freshen up.

And then it broke out in a horrible rash!

A brave stranger approaches the infected Manticore.

After sneezing the red coat off, Manticore met a doe and some other fawns at the ruins and had a hopping/jumping party. my computer wouldn't take the screen shots for some reason.

It was fun though. Thanks for playing with me if you know who you are.
Manticore then finds a playmate in this fawn and they cast spells on each other. They accidentally cast a spell on the sleeping fawn. It's a very lovely pelt that I've never seen before.

Manticore's playmate cast a spell that included make-up! You can see Manticore's friend about to roll in laughter.

That's ALOT of eyeshadow. XD

Aaaaaaaw. Puppy love. :3

Slumber party.

OH NO WAIT. It's a dance party!
A bio next time and please help me identify some of the deer. It would be really nice to make some friends and stay in contact. Thanks for reading and I'll be seeing you in the forest!
The Fawn to the far left.
Timber's Bio
I might have played with you
Seed wasn't in the pictures,
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.
@Ephra:Yes, I think that was
@Seed: Being young and reckless like Manticore makes you experiment with risky behavior. XD I'll listen for you next time I'm on.
Yeay1! Manticore! I is your
*invisible internet nuzzle*