After finishing her exams, Manticore's human was able to play in the forest for more than a few minutes.
The first thing Manticore did was go pay its respects to its Gods.

Then it found two other fawn and they stood together for a while. XD

Manticore stops at the pond afterwards to freshen up.

And then it broke out in a horrible rash!

A brave stranger approaches the infected Manticore.

After sneezing the red coat off, Manticore met a doe and some other fawns at the ruins and had a hopping/jumping party. my computer wouldn't take the screen shots for some reason.

It was fun though. Thanks for playing with me if you know who you are.
Manticore then finds a playmate in this fawn and they cast spells on each other. They accidentally cast a spell on the sleeping fawn. It's a very lovely pelt that I've never seen before.

Manticore's playmate cast a spell that included make-up! You can see Manticore's friend about to roll in laughter.

That's ALOT of eyeshadow. XD

Aaaaaaaw. Puppy love. :3