
MapleTree's picture
OK, I want to get it off my shoulders.

I'm a little tired of posting up some topic/appearance help, when I wait at least 1-3 days, and get a 100 views, and no one bothers to help me.

Yes, I know; "Give it time." But 1-3 days is enough, don't you think?

I get tired of standing where I can meet people, maybe running around for a while, play normally, then go back, check my topic after a while, and to my dismay... 30 something views, no volunteers.

I want to at least get a volunteer to help me with an appearance change, no biggy.
I feel annoyed when people really won't answer my questions, but isn't that what this community is about?

Getting questions answered and help?

I even doubt I'll get comments on this. I almost never do.

I'm sorry if I sound pushy, but I'm really annoyed.

"New appearance help"

"Hey I need some help. . ."

__ views, 0 comments


Anyways, I'm done ranting-ish.

I'll answer!! Most of us go

I'll answer!!

Most of us go without being commented on, or few comments. i've been here for almost two years and I'm lucky if I get more than 3 comments on a piece of art I worked my butt off on.

One factor though is that...no one knows you yet. Once you get a friend base you'll have more consistant replies.

Also, not everyone knows your blog is here. It's not seen by everyone. Most people watch the "Recent posts" page for new comments and new blogs from all over the community. If it's not on the first page or two, no one will see it unless they visit your page directly, or someone comments to bump it up to the front page.

Hope this helps.
MapleTree's picture

I don't know how to really

I don't know how to really make friends on here, I'm a quiet person so people rarely talk to me on here if I reply to something else.

The friend base may be harder for me.

It's been difficult for me

It's been difficult for me too. Just keep trying, stick around. I noticed using the RP player/character look-up logs that Verdalas made is helpful, and taking advantage of the rut as well. I'm just now getting a couple of my characters to the point I want them at. 2 years for that. It takes time and patience. Try to think positive. ^_^

That's a shame, but I can

That's a shame, but I can think of some reasons why people might not have offered to help:

- Some people check TEFc when they aren't able to play the game, I do this between classes on my phone.
- They might have been too busy at the time to go in game and spend potentially ten minutes getting you the set you want.

Also, the 'reads' count of a blog includes your own visits as well, so if you check the blog frequently you are going to give yourself a false sense of the number of people who have visited/seen your post.

Hopefully you have better luck in the future, but I always find that going In Game and finding a group already casting spells is way quicker than waiting for a reply on TEFc. Maybe try that next time?

edit: Also be careful what you name the blog. Explicitly state you are looking for help getting a set in the title, will help attract people who are willing/able to help you out.
MapleTree's picture

I don't know how to build up

I don't know how to build up a friend base?

I thought it didn't matter if you're popular with a friend base, or not known.

That just isn't really fair to a community.

I mean; so, I need a lot of friends to actually get attention?


Not a lot. A friend base is

Not a lot. A friend base is just my term for it. Not everyone gets along on here, nor is it actually expected. not everyone is going to like everyone else. But if you find players who are similar to yourself, beit with art or playing style oor you just simply get alone, those can be your friends. Of course we strive to be nice regardless, but there's just those you come closer to over others. Friends tend to pay more consitiant attention to you over the occasional random stranger.
Flyleaf's picture

I would say go into the

I would say go into the forest and try to interact with people there ...This was how i made Friends .
Once you find someone and are playing with that person more you can talk to them on the forum and get to know them better .
You can always come to my Fly and play or rest with him in the forest .
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
MapleTree's picture

I might be getting on now, to

I might be getting on now, to run around.

Anyone can look for this or this other pictogram.

I'm laying near the oak on either Oakley, or SkyeDoe.

Although, Skye's the one I'm trying to get my set on.
Alphafrost's picture

I've been here far too long

I've been here far too long and have zero friends, and this was one of the first internet-oriented communities I joined. As much as I want friends, I'm in the same boat as you. c:

† Life is a Velvet Crowbar
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
Alphafrost's picture

double posted, oops.

double posted, oops.

† Life is a Velvet Crowbar
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †