1: I've seen your picto a few times. (:
2: Nope. None at all.
3: It wouldn't be a secret if I told you!...Nahhh. I don't. xD I'm just going to stick with my two for now.
XD I agree with you on the human face thing. And plus we have the realdeer mask, and it also means we can use the masks 8DDD (Cuz cmon, you couldnt use that longgg red thing with a deer face..XD) ...Fawn faces look scary in closeups, though. Believe me, I know O_O
1: I've never actually met any of your deer I think. ;_; But, Aeros sounds like a sweetie. I'm sure Squeegie would get along with him. And Loofa has a crush on one of your deer. x3
2: XD Ummm. I had a little dinosaur character named Squeegie. And...for some reason I named my deer that. And I decided to name Loofa, Loofa because it fit with the bathroom stuff things. lol
3: Lots of reasons. It's beautiful, relaxing, fun, and I have such great friends here!
1. How many deer do you
2. How long have you been playing TEF?
3. have you ever been to an Abiogenesis?
-- Dannii <3
1: Two. Squeegie and
2: I think I started in March.
3: Two. :3
1. :3 Do you think youve
2. Do you ever have any problems with the game?
3. Do you have a secret deer?
-- Dannii <3
1: I've seen your picto a
2: Nope. None at all.
3: It wouldn't be a secret if I told you!...Nahhh. I don't. xD I'm just going to stick with my two for now.
1. Are you listening to
2. ...*puppy eyes* Can I has chocolate?
3. =P You're a fan of Queen then?
-- Dannii <3
1: XD Yes. I pretty much
2: -gives chocolate milk- c:
3: YEAH! I love them. They're my favorite band.
1. Do you like the Jonas
2. *chokes over chocolate milk* Do you have any addictions?
3. What do you think of the human faces on the deer?
-- Dannii <3
1. Nahh. Not my kind of
2. The internet, Queen, music. xD
3. I really like them! It's more expressive.
XD I agree with you on the
-- Dannii <3
Awww, I think the fawns are
-- Dannii <3
Yaaaay! x3
1. How do your deer feel
2. Where did you come up with their names? XD
3. Why do you play TEF?
Understand us
Forest FAQ
1: I've never actually met
2: XD Ummm. I had a little dinosaur character named Squeegie. And...for some reason I named my deer that. And I decided to name Loofa, Loofa because it fit with the bathroom stuff things. lol
3: Lots of reasons. It's beautiful, relaxing, fun, and I have such great friends here!
1 - What does your name mean
2 - What is your....favorite Queen song?! (DUN DUN DUUUUUUNN!!!)
3 - If you were stranded on a deserted island, and could only have three items with you (excluding clothes ), what would you bring?
1: From a little dinosaur
2: Ah man! This is a hard one. xD Bohemian Rhapsody is a good one. But so are many others! I can't choose. :C
3: Laptop or cellphone to help me get off. lol, hmmm. Food. And a knife to help me cut through the leaves and stuff.