The thoughts that haunt the mind, and rip apart the soul *~Night Shade~*

"It’s fine…everything is..ok?


I..I don’t know….


It’s not…

They don’t need to worry…I’ll act as if nothing is going on..

yes I’ll hide the tears with laughter…and the pain with a smile….

I sleep but get no rest…I dream…but I only have nightmares….


My head hurts….
The dreams are horrible..some about the past..some maybe of things to come
…my own calls often wake me up…
I like it here..but sometimes miss my old life..
I was such a simple creature back then..
Now so complex….
Things I did in the past..I reflect on..
I feel regret..animals shouldn’t have to feel, regret but I do…
…the only thing to do, is to tell myself…things worked out the way they were supposed to…..
…and maybe I was never like the other deer to begin rebelled
..Thats why I’m here after all…
I can still feel them…the antlers tearing into my hindquarter…
And… still hurts.
I still hate him…
But…I miss my herd…
I hope they are well…”


“I had little time to think today..I had very few minutes to myself…

..Many deer wished to play today, and I enjoyed their company..I did not recognize many of the deer I met today…however there was one face I could I forget…it was imitate.

.I haven’t seen him for awhile…I must say this unusual deer amuses me….once again I had no time to myself. He followed me everywhere…I must say it was kind of comforting having him around…

Knowing someone was nearby helped me sleep better than I have in the past few days. I cannot enjoy this peace…

I know it will not last…….something is missing……

but what?......and why do I care so much?

....perhaps the dreams will come again and will answer some of these questions..

but I fear the dreams”

“ It seems as if I am always in the company of someone these days…good..when I’m alone..I have too much time to think..
I saw Reed..It’s been awhile…we were both minis for a while and played until I just had to rest for a bit…
I must have been In a very deep sleep..
I was awakened by Reed accidently stepping one me….Jack was sitting nearby…I went to say hello..
Reed seemed angry…hmmm…what happened while I slept, I wonder?
…He ran off…very confusing….
Jack wanted me to follow him…so I did..We met up with many other deer….It was the most fun I have had in awhile….I saw Reed again and asked him to join us….
I think..he doesn’t like big crowds….
With all our jumping around, and dancing..I grew tired…..and…..
Oh gods the dreams….I hate them…so confusing…..
I saw a crescent moon…
Ah…I remember..yes indeed…it was the last thing I saw before I crossed over…
Wounded…I was already wounded…bleeding…
And..HE….came for me…
He had no title…deer know nothing of names…we knew each other by scent…
And his gagged me. Even as he stomped me and stabbed me with his antlers…
I didn’t hesitate to curse him….
Then …..a light….
And I was here…the gods gave me the pelt of the night…and a moon earring….
And my name, my title….Night Shade
very fitting….
The dream continued….
I heard a voice…strange but familier…
I had no fear of it..yet I felt uneasy…
I danced with a shadow….
I awoke with a start….

do i have anyone’s attention? XDD I’m trying to work on nights darker side a little..while she is happy and bouncy..she has her own demons to face.
I know I’m never going to finish how i wanted to tell her story,{comic} but this will do..I will elaborate over time add new events and such. I need to work on writing more. I used to love it, and was ok at it, I am very rusty. XD I’m sure it shows. Also the dots represent pausing, she does it often when in deep thought, so her thoughts are sort of broken up? I guess XD major jumping around..shuld i make separate posts? Update***Her story has now been told…I don’t know if I will continue to post or not….It’s still vague I know ,but really that’s about all there is…I’m sure some of you can fill in the gaps XD

Pfff. *tracks anyways*


*tracks anyways*


Tally's picture

)tracks . . . . . I might as


I might as well. ;]
Spirituelle's picture



I love seeing the dark side of people/deer. (:
Tally's picture

hmm she and Tally have alot

hmm she and Tally have alot in common. ;]

I love this.