One day in a store i found this amazing hunter book and in it i found this incredible photo of a deer hoof. i've been meaning to upload it here but i kept forgetting. it's a large image so i'll put it under the cut.
Probably the best hoof pic i've ever seen in my life, as they are hard to come by (usually hidden by grass or whatever in most pics). I know that hooves can be really hard to draw for beginners, and keep in mind every species is different to live in their own habitat. from what i can tell (and remember from the book) is that this is whitetail or at least a similar species that lives in similar habitat. also im pretty sure this is the left front leg (if you were the deer). pretty neat, isnt it? i love all the hairs! seems so be a winter coat. im babbling.
i hope this helps you fellow artists out there!
For some reason I really
Ah this reminds me, I gotta
Thanks for posting this!
Fur is so hard to draw. im in
You're welcome!
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I'm not letting this go.
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glad to be of help!
Stalking. Thank you for